Saturday, August 7, 2010

What do you think about the U.S. Senate bill proposed handing the White House emergency control of Internet?鈥?/a>What do you think about the U.S. Senate bill proposed handing the White House emergency control of Internet?
As far as I'm concerned the internet does not belong to America, and therefore Obama can get lost, the sooner the better.

Never thought I would live to see the day America elected a commie for President, and before someone says he's a socialist, isn't that what the Russians claim to be too; the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics?What do you think about the U.S. Senate bill proposed handing the White House emergency control of Internet?
I'm not a fan of Obama or Democrats, but I am really good with computers, particularly cyber security / anti-virus and ethical hacking.

It's not impossible to imagine that a lot of private sector computers could be taken over for the purpose of hostile acts, even ones as simple as slowing internet traffic. I don't think the White House would need to be in control of monitoring when to pull the plug (I would put the NSA in charge, they have a lot of experts on this topic), but such a plan does need to be created. The private sector should be included too, they will be better at protecting their assets, and they should have a say in what should be done (companies that control things like internet backbones).
So who said this administration couldn't surpass The Third Reich in control of it's citizenry? A 'Media Czar'; with enforcement powers is in the works to only allow the correct propaganda to reach you through media sources. The snitch program Flag@ whitehouse is designed to locate dissident Americans who think they have freedom of speech.
Just one more communist move by this president...soon we will have no freedom of speech at all.. and he will say it is for our own good.

This is his way of stifling any criticism of his useless presidency.

I told you people.. he is very bad for our freedoms!
Doesn't surprise me Obama would want to take over the internet. As a dictator, he wants to take over EVERYTHING including your bank accounts and 401Ks. Reparations are in there somewhere.
I'm so tired of this Congress and Administration.

I am not opposed to an idea of a coup. Something along the lines of the Kmer Rouge only citizens doing the housecleaning.
It's a violation of first amendment rights, and it's also a waste of time because there are too many individual sites on the internet to monitor.
WHAT?????? Well there goes another freedom and how long are we going to put up with this? Welcome to communism folks and Marxism and enjoy it while it lasts. Man what is becoming of this country?
Just one more freedom your going to loose...people need to hold the dems responsible for all this crap going on right now. NONE of them seem to have the back bone(or hangie downs) to say enough is enough!!
One more effort by the Nazi Demoncrat's to take more rights from Americans and censor the means of mass communication.

Hitler was elected, we deserve this.
That will be one of the final efforts before Obama is declared a dictator of the Socialist States of America SSA.
Very Orwellian. But I've come to expect nothing less from this administration
Sounds very dangerous and a lot like fascism
who proposed this bill?
Well, at least it's out in the open.

GWB wiretapped our phones without our knowledge.

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