Saturday, August 21, 2010

They will have to pry it from my cold dead hands, Obama and gun control???

how controlling do you think that the obama administration will get on guns? They will have to pry it from my cold dead hands, Obama and gun control???
';The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant but that they know so much that isn't so.'; Ronald Reagan.

I have a story. In land far, far away where King Richard rules over all of the Land of Lincoln it was instituted that as of Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Two no one shalt have handguns in Chicago city limits....Since then it has been a city ordinance and the funny thing is Chicago just took over as city with the most murder in the US.

';The laws that forbid the carrying of arms ... disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Can it be supposed that those who have the courage to violate the most sacred laws of humanity ... will respect the less important and arbitrary ones ... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants, they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.'; 鈥?Thomas Jefferson

according to the 2006 IL UCR.

Illinois had a population of 12.8 million w/ a murder rate of 6.1/100K (780)

Chicago had 22.2% of the population of Illinois yet accounted for 60% of murders w/ a per capita rate of 16.4/100K

Cook County had 41.4% of the population of Illinois yet accounted for 73.6% of murders w/ a per capita rate of 10.83/100K

The Cook County murders in raw number/per capita increased 4.4% and 4.9% respectively while arrest numbers and rates dropped over 18% from '05 to '06.

If Chicago were to fall into Lake Michigan, the Illinois murder rate would drop to 3.14

Were the rest of Cook County to follow suit, the rate would drop to 2.74.

So far this year, murders are up 18%. (summer of 鈥?8)

And where are the strictest gun laws?鈥?/a>

They will have to pry it from my cold dead hands, Obama and gun control???
What you should fear is an appointment to the Supreme Court.

Laws can be made and laws can be overturned. But a Justice serves for life. Right now, our Supreme Court stands at 5 to 4, in favor of Second Amendment Rights as the individual right to defend yourself.

If just one of those five Justices is replaced by an Obama appointment, then all of your rights can be taken away, including the right to own firearms.

I hope Obama passes one of his anti gun measures early in 2009. America needs a wake up call for the 2010 mid term Congressional elections. I'd like to see Republicans take back control of Congress in 2010, allowing rational thinkers to block Obama from stacking the Supreme Court.
The government has never had to rpy anything oput of anyones hands

We have meekly accepted their unconstitutional infringements and allowed the schools to preach their ignorance to the kids with pablumish comments like only the irresponsible gun owners are to blame

They revel in the stupidity of the anti gun anti hunting idiots that believe Disney was an animal behaviorist and not just a cartoonist

In the end we will roll over and hand them the KY without even expecting a kiss first, just as we always have done since 1934
Skittles is right. They will be taking a seriously hard line on this....which is why there has been a run on guns since he was elected. Even people wearing Obama buttons were in buying they don't even like his stand on guns.

You can't buy anything with any kick right now, because sales have been so brisk. The shop owners can't keep them in stock, or even get their orders on time.

If anything, Obama should be scared. There is an undercurrent here that is not totally related to his policies.
Liberals want complete control -

A citizenry which can defend themselves from an intrusive government - like when they come after your money or property... Is a threat.

Accordingly - let's take that away.

This isn't rocket science.

Already the MONEY GRAB as begun...

He's not going to raise taxes but...

He seize to seize control of OUR 401Ks

He wants to increase the GAS tax to curb consumption... (and he wasn't to add to the price that which would equal 3.25 per gallon)

He thinks that ';rich people'; (who started at 250K then dropped to 200K

then Biden said 150K and it soon will be 50K) should give ALL of their money to the government SO THAT *HE* can be the HERO with THEIR money and you know what?';

OH and my favorite - the invention of the ';CARBON FOOTPRINT'; so people like Al GORE who contributes more than 57 regular people - can come up with a way to tax you on that!

It's working!
if the government does something that could be considered 'unconstitutional', like take away our guns, it is our DUTY as americans to violate the law, and to live under the constitution..

i think the real question is, what is biden going to do with our guns?
I dont think they will ever take our guns away, however, what's happening now as far as rising prices on ammo is gun control in itself. With all of the Democrats in office, I would start stock piling on ammo and anything you might need.
Statements like that will do little to rally support for keeping firearms.

The UK's history is piss poor on firearms.

1937 bye bye full auto's

1988 bye bye semi auto assault rifles

1997 bye bye hand gun's.

How pissed do you think I was handing over guns every 10 years?

Buy what you want now. He will definitely tighten gun controls.

I also think stocking up on ammo is a good idea.
none it is the ole left wing alarm bell,,, the people would be outraged if thats all his adm has to do!!! ok thanks eddie
I can't really say. However, I think the people who abused their right to possess a gun are the ones to blame - not the Obama administration. I, personally, do not believe the Second Amendment is needed anymore, because the Bill of Rights simply was a response to everything the British did to us. Maybe that Amendment was needed in 1791, but not in 2008.
Obama will be a strong and authentic voice for America's Hunters, and Shooters.* He supports Gun Ownership and our 2nd Amendment Right to Keep and Bear Arms.* '; Only a Criminal or a Tyrant is afraid of the Armed Citizen.'; I don't believe Obama is either one.* Go here to learn Obama's position on Guns, and Hunting.*鈥?/a>
Won't be hard to pry after some other gun nut has shot you. Hope Obama does get tough on guns.

Arm bears, don't bear arms.
I hope it will be good, no guns should be aloud.

Plp whom kill animals for fun... some should hunt them so they know how it feels...

one thing is survival...but a sport?
Given the assasination attempts? Very!
tighter, but not tight enough, its an easy way to keep republicans onside for other issues ie health reform

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