Will Bush leave our troops under another nation's control in Iraq as well? 12,000 down and counting.
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061005/ap_o鈥?/a>Is Bush getting ready to bail on Iraq? He just handed over 12,000 U.S. troops to NATO's control.?
no, he leaves that to the democratsIs Bush getting ready to bail on Iraq? He just handed over 12,000 U.S. troops to NATO's control.?
No, he isn't bailing on Iraq. He has said all along as the leadership in Iraq voices readiness that we will withdraw at their direction as they can defend themselves.
No, Bush will not bail on Iraq, although he should
I doubt he's planning on leaving even though we shouldn't be there in the first place. As many people said before the war in Iraq, we should be focusing our attention on other threats.....the nut in N Korea. Now, we face an interesting problem. I'd like to see how Bush handles this.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
What exactly happened to me? My hands and feet went numb and i couldn't control my breathing.....?
Well, i suppose i should tell you what the cause of this was. My gf had confessed something to me (no shes not cheating or anything, it was just veryyyyy shocking) and well.....i think i freaked out. My hands and feet went tingly and numb, i could barely control my breathing, anddd.....well i cant really remember anything else, but it was really weird, i dont think i went into shock, my stomach didnt hurt or feel like anything, but my chest did hurt, i think....got any ideas? it might be just shock, but im just curious to find out what that was...What exactly happened to me? My hands and feet went numb and i couldn't control my breathing.....?
it sound like a panic attack.
relax your breathing if they come again but go and see your gp asap just to rule out anything more seriouse
if they come agin just sit down and have a small sip of water also be carefull as you can faint from them
breath slowly in throung the noes andout through the mouthWhat exactly happened to me? My hands and feet went numb and i couldn't control my breathing.....?
Ya, you got to dump the gf.
Heart - Attack
it sound like a panic attack.
relax your breathing if they come again but go and see your gp asap just to rule out anything more seriouse
if they come agin just sit down and have a small sip of water also be carefull as you can faint from them
breath slowly in throung the noes andout through the mouthWhat exactly happened to me? My hands and feet went numb and i couldn't control my breathing.....?
Ya, you got to dump the gf.
Heart - Attack
';GUN CONTROL, Keeping Guns Out Of Law Abiding Citizen`s Hands';...Do You Agree Or Disagree With That Statement
...I personally agree...Please explain your position to all of us. Thanks !';GUN CONTROL, Keeping Guns Out Of Law Abiding Citizen`s Hands';...Do You Agree Or Disagree With That Statement
I agree. The shooter at VT was a law abiding citizen. Until he snapped. In this issue, we should cut off the head of the posionous snake before it strikes.';GUN CONTROL, Keeping Guns Out Of Law Abiding Citizen`s Hands';...Do You Agree Or Disagree With That Statement
That's the only thing gun control will accomplish. Only the people who obey laws will comply. Criminals will not. Gangstas and thugs will keep their 9s.
Gun control would be a great idea if we did not already have so many guns. Yes, if anti gun legislation passed, it would take guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens. Lets face it, only law abiding people would turn in their guns, or follow the law. When you are willing to break laws and murder people, you don't care a bit about gun laws. The guns are already out there. If someone inside the building a Virginia Tech had been carrying, they might have been able to save a lot of lives.
So you keep guns away from law abiding citizens, what about all those guns the criminal elements have? I suppose, you'd say, if you get shot in your left side of your head, you'd just turn the other side? Furthermore, if the government police cannot rid the criminals of much more deadly weapons, what will you come up with? Anarchy.
Law abiding citizens can buy guns legally even with gun control laws. Criminals and the mentally insane (I would hope) cannot, and its not like everybody has a black market gun dealer on speed dial.
The only people who would obey a law restricting guns are those who obey other laws.
DC has had a ban on handguns for 30 years.
As a result, only the criminals have guns now.
I disagree because you want to take away my RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS, a right given us by our Founding Fathers!
Laws on citizens alone won't control gun ownership. If the goal is controling guns, the manufacturers have to be controlled as well. And your statement is correct, criminals will find a way to get guns, just like they get drugs and other illegal things. As the saying goes, ';locks keep an honest man honest';...
btw-- I'm not advocating total gun control.
I don't think so. You're talking ';gun control';, which is the controlled sale and availability of guns. If you are a law abiding citizen you should have no problem following procedure and legally purchasing a gun.
I live in a nation where we have gun control, and no if you are law abiding and mentally stable you have no problems getting a gun.
seems like thats what its saying to me.
I believe that as a law abiding tax paying property owner of the United States of America, that I have and should always have the right to own a fire arm.
Gun control only works if you follow the law. Criminals don't follow the law.
You, law abiding and unarmed
Criminal, law breaker, armed, and knows you can't do a thing about it.
You, victim
Criminal, the reason you are
Police, willing to help, but not around when crime happens, they arive after the fact.
Gun control is NOT keeping guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens. It's incredibly easy to get a gun. After all, the nut who shot those people at Virginia Tech was, before he did so, a law-abiding citizen.
As long as it is easier to get a gun than it is to get a driver's license, a passport or health insurance, events like yesterday's massacre will continue to happen.
A crazed stalker in Virginia, a couple of high school neo-Nazis in Colorado, and a pedophile with a messianic complex in Texas are not part of ';a well-regulated militia.';
when guns are outlawed only outlaws, and cops will have guns ?????
No thanks
Gun control laws only affect those people that follow the law. Yes Cho Sueng Hui bought his guns legally but if he could not get them legally he, like Eric Harris and Dylan Clybold would have gotten them illegally.
Laws are only there for those that follow the law.
I agree with T-Mac. It isn't the guns it's the people. Thinking only of guns is looking for a short simple answer to a far more complicated situation. People bent on doing violence don't depend on guns. Take the hijackers that flew into the World Trade Center. they didn't have guns and they managed to kill 3,000+- people. Or the London Subway and bus massacres or the attempted massacre in Japan or what we read about everyday in Iraq.
Where does this violence come from? I'm sure some researcher will find a gene that prompts this behaviour, but I think that the behaviour is at least partially due to their environment as well. Have you noticed that in the high school shootings nobody examined the role of the parents? When I say ';a role'; I don't mean that they trained their kid to kill or even that they abused him necessarily, although that is a possibility. In the Oregon case, the boy came from a very well to do family and was given just about everything he wanted but the parents weren't there very often. Both were very ';successful'; business people and I think it's possible that they devoted their ';love'; to their careers, not their son who in turn never experienced the love and nurturing that a child can when one of the parents is always there.
In the USA and many, but not all ,';industrialized'; nations, the family unit is no longer primary to those bent on economic ';success'; though they will tell you that family is important to them just as any politician will tell you that he or she supports the family unit. But their actions belie their words. In this country we value money and power and celibrity. A family will think they are doing the right thing by putting their child in a nursery or hire a nanny while they work to earn the money to support a ';successful'; lifestyle. the idea being that having this money will provide their child the better things of life ncluding education and healthcare all of which are very expensive in the USA.
But the young child doesn't need those things given to him or her. the child needs the direct love and support of parents which in turn makes him or her feel confident in themselves (They love me so I must be good or they don't love me so I must not be good). We've all seen the tests on monkeys deprived of physical love and how they turn violent or retarded. Well, that's what we humans need too.
So I say that while guns do make it easier for a mad man or woman to kill, guns aren't the main problem. If there were no guns it could be a knife or a bomb or poisen or any number of things. I lay the blame further up the line on our society that in reality, has replaced the value of the family with the value of money/career.
That's about what it does. Only the law abiding citizen abides by the law, the criminals don't. DC is a good example of that, look at the ban and their crime rate!
I dont believe its guns in general, i personally think its the person weilding the gun, if that person is messed up in the head, he has no business behind a trigger, but if the person is sane and can handle having a gun i dont see why he or she cant go buy one for prrotection.
Do you know that every Swiss citizen is legally required to have his military equipment at home, including guns (M57 automatic assault rifles) and ammo ? They keep virtually NO army, but can mobilize the whole country in 2-3 hours !!! That's one of the reasons Switzerland was never invaded, and during WW2, Nazis were at war with the whole world, including US, UK, and Russia, they went 2000 miles east up to the gates of Moscow, but never to Switzerland, and please check where Switzerland is on the map... and you can bet Hitler was eager to get his hands on Swiss gold, but he realized it was more than he could chew... Of course, that's not the issue here, just pointing to the fact that ';homeland security'; is much better when the citizens have guns, and they can use that to prevent both millitary and terrorist attacks.
Now, back to our issue, how many times have you heard about shootings in Switzerland ??? The gun crime rate is a small fraction of the American rate, and in fact it's so low that statistics are not even kept. The same for Israel, they all have guns, assault rifles, even machine guns and rocket launchers at home, but you'll never see a Swiss killing another Swiss or an Israeli killing another Israeli... Some Swiss even have howitzers and anti-aircraft weapons at home, but do you see them shooting down planes or even robbing those gold-filled banks they have ? Of course not. They can buy and sell guns freely, but that doesn't mean they will use those guns shooting other people just for the fun of it, like Americans do.
It's a matter of EDUCATION and CULTURE, which lead to tolerance, understanding and respect for others and for the laws. Forcing people to obey stupid laws and gun control is NOT the answer, that can only lead to rebellion and more chaos and deaths. Sane, responsible, educated people who enjoy their freedom and happiness do NOT have any reason to take a gun and shoot another human being, except to defend themselves when attacked. Prosecuting criminals means unfortunatelly the evil has already been done, so perhaps society and governments should concentrate more on educating people, especially children and teenagers, to prevent them from becoming criminals in the first place... EDUCATION, not limitation of freedom and fear of punishment.
I disagree with that statement. Law abiding citizens are the ones who need the deterrent effect of a possible armed reaction The nut jobs and the criminals will always find a weapon when they want to inflict or force the law abiding to do their bidding!! Just re read the statement!! I screwed up! I agree now that I re read!!this works
I agree. The shooter at VT was a law abiding citizen. Until he snapped. In this issue, we should cut off the head of the posionous snake before it strikes.';GUN CONTROL, Keeping Guns Out Of Law Abiding Citizen`s Hands';...Do You Agree Or Disagree With That Statement
That's the only thing gun control will accomplish. Only the people who obey laws will comply. Criminals will not. Gangstas and thugs will keep their 9s.
Gun control would be a great idea if we did not already have so many guns. Yes, if anti gun legislation passed, it would take guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens. Lets face it, only law abiding people would turn in their guns, or follow the law. When you are willing to break laws and murder people, you don't care a bit about gun laws. The guns are already out there. If someone inside the building a Virginia Tech had been carrying, they might have been able to save a lot of lives.
So you keep guns away from law abiding citizens, what about all those guns the criminal elements have? I suppose, you'd say, if you get shot in your left side of your head, you'd just turn the other side? Furthermore, if the government police cannot rid the criminals of much more deadly weapons, what will you come up with? Anarchy.
Law abiding citizens can buy guns legally even with gun control laws. Criminals and the mentally insane (I would hope) cannot, and its not like everybody has a black market gun dealer on speed dial.
The only people who would obey a law restricting guns are those who obey other laws.
DC has had a ban on handguns for 30 years.
As a result, only the criminals have guns now.
I disagree because you want to take away my RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS, a right given us by our Founding Fathers!
Laws on citizens alone won't control gun ownership. If the goal is controling guns, the manufacturers have to be controlled as well. And your statement is correct, criminals will find a way to get guns, just like they get drugs and other illegal things. As the saying goes, ';locks keep an honest man honest';...
btw-- I'm not advocating total gun control.
I don't think so. You're talking ';gun control';, which is the controlled sale and availability of guns. If you are a law abiding citizen you should have no problem following procedure and legally purchasing a gun.
I live in a nation where we have gun control, and no if you are law abiding and mentally stable you have no problems getting a gun.
seems like thats what its saying to me.
I believe that as a law abiding tax paying property owner of the United States of America, that I have and should always have the right to own a fire arm.
Gun control only works if you follow the law. Criminals don't follow the law.
You, law abiding and unarmed
Criminal, law breaker, armed, and knows you can't do a thing about it.
You, victim
Criminal, the reason you are
Police, willing to help, but not around when crime happens, they arive after the fact.
Gun control is NOT keeping guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens. It's incredibly easy to get a gun. After all, the nut who shot those people at Virginia Tech was, before he did so, a law-abiding citizen.
As long as it is easier to get a gun than it is to get a driver's license, a passport or health insurance, events like yesterday's massacre will continue to happen.
A crazed stalker in Virginia, a couple of high school neo-Nazis in Colorado, and a pedophile with a messianic complex in Texas are not part of ';a well-regulated militia.';
when guns are outlawed only outlaws, and cops will have guns ?????
No thanks
Gun control laws only affect those people that follow the law. Yes Cho Sueng Hui bought his guns legally but if he could not get them legally he, like Eric Harris and Dylan Clybold would have gotten them illegally.
Laws are only there for those that follow the law.
I agree with T-Mac. It isn't the guns it's the people. Thinking only of guns is looking for a short simple answer to a far more complicated situation. People bent on doing violence don't depend on guns. Take the hijackers that flew into the World Trade Center. they didn't have guns and they managed to kill 3,000+- people. Or the London Subway and bus massacres or the attempted massacre in Japan or what we read about everyday in Iraq.
Where does this violence come from? I'm sure some researcher will find a gene that prompts this behaviour, but I think that the behaviour is at least partially due to their environment as well. Have you noticed that in the high school shootings nobody examined the role of the parents? When I say ';a role'; I don't mean that they trained their kid to kill or even that they abused him necessarily, although that is a possibility. In the Oregon case, the boy came from a very well to do family and was given just about everything he wanted but the parents weren't there very often. Both were very ';successful'; business people and I think it's possible that they devoted their ';love'; to their careers, not their son who in turn never experienced the love and nurturing that a child can when one of the parents is always there.
In the USA and many, but not all ,';industrialized'; nations, the family unit is no longer primary to those bent on economic ';success'; though they will tell you that family is important to them just as any politician will tell you that he or she supports the family unit. But their actions belie their words. In this country we value money and power and celibrity. A family will think they are doing the right thing by putting their child in a nursery or hire a nanny while they work to earn the money to support a ';successful'; lifestyle. the idea being that having this money will provide their child the better things of life ncluding education and healthcare all of which are very expensive in the USA.
But the young child doesn't need those things given to him or her. the child needs the direct love and support of parents which in turn makes him or her feel confident in themselves (They love me so I must be good or they don't love me so I must not be good). We've all seen the tests on monkeys deprived of physical love and how they turn violent or retarded. Well, that's what we humans need too.
So I say that while guns do make it easier for a mad man or woman to kill, guns aren't the main problem. If there were no guns it could be a knife or a bomb or poisen or any number of things. I lay the blame further up the line on our society that in reality, has replaced the value of the family with the value of money/career.
That's about what it does. Only the law abiding citizen abides by the law, the criminals don't. DC is a good example of that, look at the ban and their crime rate!
I dont believe its guns in general, i personally think its the person weilding the gun, if that person is messed up in the head, he has no business behind a trigger, but if the person is sane and can handle having a gun i dont see why he or she cant go buy one for prrotection.
Do you know that every Swiss citizen is legally required to have his military equipment at home, including guns (M57 automatic assault rifles) and ammo ? They keep virtually NO army, but can mobilize the whole country in 2-3 hours !!! That's one of the reasons Switzerland was never invaded, and during WW2, Nazis were at war with the whole world, including US, UK, and Russia, they went 2000 miles east up to the gates of Moscow, but never to Switzerland, and please check where Switzerland is on the map... and you can bet Hitler was eager to get his hands on Swiss gold, but he realized it was more than he could chew... Of course, that's not the issue here, just pointing to the fact that ';homeland security'; is much better when the citizens have guns, and they can use that to prevent both millitary and terrorist attacks.
Now, back to our issue, how many times have you heard about shootings in Switzerland ??? The gun crime rate is a small fraction of the American rate, and in fact it's so low that statistics are not even kept. The same for Israel, they all have guns, assault rifles, even machine guns and rocket launchers at home, but you'll never see a Swiss killing another Swiss or an Israeli killing another Israeli... Some Swiss even have howitzers and anti-aircraft weapons at home, but do you see them shooting down planes or even robbing those gold-filled banks they have ? Of course not. They can buy and sell guns freely, but that doesn't mean they will use those guns shooting other people just for the fun of it, like Americans do.
It's a matter of EDUCATION and CULTURE, which lead to tolerance, understanding and respect for others and for the laws. Forcing people to obey stupid laws and gun control is NOT the answer, that can only lead to rebellion and more chaos and deaths. Sane, responsible, educated people who enjoy their freedom and happiness do NOT have any reason to take a gun and shoot another human being, except to defend themselves when attacked. Prosecuting criminals means unfortunatelly the evil has already been done, so perhaps society and governments should concentrate more on educating people, especially children and teenagers, to prevent them from becoming criminals in the first place... EDUCATION, not limitation of freedom and fear of punishment.
I disagree with that statement. Law abiding citizens are the ones who need the deterrent effect of a possible armed reaction The nut jobs and the criminals will always find a weapon when they want to inflict or force the law abiding to do their bidding!! Just re read the statement!! I screwed up! I agree now that I re read!!
My g/f is so hot,that I can't keep my hands off of her,what can I do to control myself?
think of your mother when your around herMy g/f is so hot,that I can't keep my hands off of her,what can I do to control myself?
don worry,think of her as yr arch enemy and u won touch her.k?My g/f is so hot,that I can't keep my hands off of her,what can I do to control myself?
Take alot of cold showers.
Just try to relax when you are with her.take deep breaths and try to think of something calm like how quiet the sea is at night time, try appreciating your g/f than thinking of how to control yourself.
i wish my bf thought that way! lol
well u REALLY dont want to keep messing around with her,
she may become insecure thinking u are only using her for sex.
all girls will feel this way if the guy isnt really showing affections but only the fact that hes horny.
tell urself ud lose ur hot babe if u dont keep control
think of the consequences that will happen if you go to far. This will really help. Don't just stop hanging around with her, that will make her feel like you don't want her anymore.
don worry,think of her as yr arch enemy and u won touch her.k?My g/f is so hot,that I can't keep my hands off of her,what can I do to control myself?
Take alot of cold showers.
Just try to relax when you are with her.take deep breaths and try to think of something calm like how quiet the sea is at night time, try appreciating your g/f than thinking of how to control yourself.
i wish my bf thought that way! lol
well u REALLY dont want to keep messing around with her,
she may become insecure thinking u are only using her for sex.
all girls will feel this way if the guy isnt really showing affections but only the fact that hes horny.
tell urself ud lose ur hot babe if u dont keep control
think of the consequences that will happen if you go to far. This will really help. Don't just stop hanging around with her, that will make her feel like you don't want her anymore.
My sister asked me to take my nephew of her hands six months ago cause he was out of control hes 7 years old?
hes adhd and really far behind in school so he been living with me and going to school on a regular basis when he lived with his mother he was absent from school almost every other day uve gone to great lengths to get him as caught up as possible she sign his educational and medical rights over to me until 7/29/07 heres the thing its summer and i signed him up for summer school his mom started throwing a fit about spending the summer with him so i let her take him for a week before school started i was suppose to get him back sunday but she refused and said he would be in school he made it the first day but not today and probably not tomorrow or any more i was gonna file for gaurdinship but just dont have the money right now i dont want to fight with her but his education should be a priority she just does not realize that she is one of the main causes of his problems i live in rock county wi if anyone can help me out in this matter can any tell me what my rights are i need help pleaseMy sister asked me to take my nephew of her hands six months ago cause he was out of control hes 7 years old?
I'm sorry. Probably, she'll call you again and ask for help next time there is a serious crisis. Meanwhile,I'm not sure what you can do without going through child services and family court. If she's not a drug addict or someone with a criminal record, you probably don't stand much chance of winning such a fight. As they say ';no good deed goes unpunished.'; Probably, you'll just have to wait. Hopefully, it will all resolve itself in a positive manner before the end of the summer.My sister asked me to take my nephew of her hands six months ago cause he was out of control hes 7 years old?
you sound like a great guy with good morals...i wish you all the luck in getting him back, he needs to be with you. i'm sorry i cant help you.!
It sounds like he needs more than a good education.
Bravo to you for making the committment to your nephew in being a parent, not just a playmate. Hang in there and go to bat for him. Talk to his school and let the administration know what's going on and what's at stake. I'm surprised that his previous school didn't say anything about his multiple absences.
I would consult social services to see what else can be done to assist you with this difficult task. They might be able to advise you on financial assistance should you want to pursue guardianship. I would show that your sister has already relinquished medical and and educational rights, even on a temporary basis. Don't give up. Kids whose parent/parents are negligent pay the ultimate price in every facet of their lives.
Boys only with a mother have much higher criminality rates than boys with either both parents or with fathers. They are mostly unable to manage boys. ~
Well..first of all good for you for stepping up to the plate for this child!! Second of all..I would start talking to a LOT of people including people at the school your nephew attends about the issues going on with him and his lack of a good mother. Fight your sister on this!!! I would talk to anyone you meet about it just to find out what you can...I would call her also every morning when she should be getting up and getting her son ready and telling her that she should be doing that. Let her know that you aren't going to sit around and watch her turn her back on a good education for her son!
the police can tell you your rights. There may be a time limit law where if you have the child for so long then he is ultimately your responsibility. You need to google legal aid in your state.
good for you , you knew when yuo shoudl step up and you did , i defiantly think that you should try for gaurdianship becasue liek you said he wasnt getting the proper education when he was with his mother even if you dont have alot of money right now you still have shwown better gaurdienship than his mother and it was not fair for her to ask for your hlp and then want him back so good luck with everything and i hope you get the child
I'm sorry. Probably, she'll call you again and ask for help next time there is a serious crisis. Meanwhile,I'm not sure what you can do without going through child services and family court. If she's not a drug addict or someone with a criminal record, you probably don't stand much chance of winning such a fight. As they say ';no good deed goes unpunished.'; Probably, you'll just have to wait. Hopefully, it will all resolve itself in a positive manner before the end of the summer.My sister asked me to take my nephew of her hands six months ago cause he was out of control hes 7 years old?
you sound like a great guy with good morals...i wish you all the luck in getting him back, he needs to be with you. i'm sorry i cant help you.!
It sounds like he needs more than a good education.
Bravo to you for making the committment to your nephew in being a parent, not just a playmate. Hang in there and go to bat for him. Talk to his school and let the administration know what's going on and what's at stake. I'm surprised that his previous school didn't say anything about his multiple absences.
I would consult social services to see what else can be done to assist you with this difficult task. They might be able to advise you on financial assistance should you want to pursue guardianship. I would show that your sister has already relinquished medical and and educational rights, even on a temporary basis. Don't give up. Kids whose parent/parents are negligent pay the ultimate price in every facet of their lives.
Boys only with a mother have much higher criminality rates than boys with either both parents or with fathers. They are mostly unable to manage boys. ~
Well..first of all good for you for stepping up to the plate for this child!! Second of all..I would start talking to a LOT of people including people at the school your nephew attends about the issues going on with him and his lack of a good mother. Fight your sister on this!!! I would talk to anyone you meet about it just to find out what you can...I would call her also every morning when she should be getting up and getting her son ready and telling her that she should be doing that. Let her know that you aren't going to sit around and watch her turn her back on a good education for her son!
the police can tell you your rights. There may be a time limit law where if you have the child for so long then he is ultimately your responsibility. You need to google legal aid in your state.
good for you , you knew when yuo shoudl step up and you did , i defiantly think that you should try for gaurdianship becasue liek you said he wasnt getting the proper education when he was with his mother even if you dont have alot of money right now you still have shwown better gaurdienship than his mother and it was not fair for her to ask for your hlp and then want him back so good luck with everything and i hope you get the child
Once the aliens are in control, are they gonna make us all Super-Glue our hands to the sides of our thighs?
No -- they will stick your tongue to the roof of your mouth. That way you cannot scream when they shove bamboo splinters under your finger nails.Once the aliens are in control, are they gonna make us all Super-Glue our hands to the sides of our thighs?
Yep that is what they are going to do. Does that scare you?Once the aliens are in control, are they gonna make us all Super-Glue our hands to the sides of our thighs?
No. They have other, more insideous, plans for our hands. Remember to pack some anti-bacterial wipes.
Only if you are really scared, and not just playing the part on Y!A.
They wouldn't do that. They'd stick us in a funnier position to glue us. You might find your hands glued to your neighbor's thighs or to your feet.
I heard that it was going to be supergluing our thighs to each other and hand to our buttocks
No. They use epoxy.
isn't there a medication that could help you?
If that's true, I'm buying stock in Super Glue. Thanks for the tip.
aliens will be microscopic by the time they have the technology to visit other planets. seriously.
ONLY FOR THE ANAL PROBE...get with the program!!!!!
if they ever came im sure they will just get rid of the idiots gays and retards so yea u got something to worry about
Soilent Green.
Yep that is what they are going to do. Does that scare you?Once the aliens are in control, are they gonna make us all Super-Glue our hands to the sides of our thighs?
No. They have other, more insideous, plans for our hands. Remember to pack some anti-bacterial wipes.
Only if you are really scared, and not just playing the part on Y!A.
They wouldn't do that. They'd stick us in a funnier position to glue us. You might find your hands glued to your neighbor's thighs or to your feet.
I heard that it was going to be supergluing our thighs to each other and hand to our buttocks
No. They use epoxy.
isn't there a medication that could help you?
If that's true, I'm buying stock in Super Glue. Thanks for the tip.
aliens will be microscopic by the time they have the technology to visit other planets. seriously.
ONLY FOR THE ANAL PROBE...get with the program!!!!!
if they ever came im sure they will just get rid of the idiots gays and retards so yea u got something to worry about
Soilent Green.
Do stress balls strengthen your hands and fingers?? will this give me better ball control in basketball???
nooo the only way to get better controll of dribbling is by bringing a ball everywhere you can bring it...on the streets when you out...if you walk to a friends house...on the court (duh)...in the house...in your city/town thats how all the pros did it...with something called experience
hope that answered your ?Do stress balls strengthen your hands and fingers?? will this give me better ball control in basketball???
Everyone is different.....depends on how confortable you get with them so i can't really sayy yes..people are differentDo stress balls strengthen your hands and fingers?? will this give me better ball control in basketball???
It will only give you better ball control of a squeeze ball...you need to spend more time dribbling a ball and using both hands in addition to just using a stress ball.
hope that answered your ?Do stress balls strengthen your hands and fingers?? will this give me better ball control in basketball???
Everyone is different.....depends on how confortable you get with them so i can't really sayy yes..people are differentDo stress balls strengthen your hands and fingers?? will this give me better ball control in basketball???
It will only give you better ball control of a squeeze ball...you need to spend more time dribbling a ball and using both hands in addition to just using a stress ball.
I have sweaty hands all the time. I hate it. I can't control it. They are even sweaty when I'm not hot.
If im at school and they are sweaty, I get annoyed and cant work as well. There must be some problem. My hands also get very dry in the winter; that is the skin gets dry by my knuckles. But they will still be sweaty on the palms. Is there anything I can do?I have sweaty hands all the time. I hate it. I can't control it. They are even sweaty when I'm not hot.
i agree with tang. it's hyperhydrosis. it's fairly common but your case is a little severe. there are topical creams, etc that a dermatologist can prescribe for you but i have a friend with this problem %26amp; she said they didn't work for her. there's also botox injections. they sort of paralyze the sweat glandsin the area for a few months, then u have to get it again. celebrities do this when they have a red carpet event %26amp; don't want to sweat under their arms.
ultimate solution - surgery; but it's risky. they have to collapse both lungs to get to your sweat glands and sort of clip them, therefore preventing u from sweating in the area that bothers u. the problem - sometimes you end up sweating in other areas to compensate for it, like ur back, legs, etc.
so lots of options, but it's a real condition. ur not crazy. and there is help. have ur parents take u to a doc. if ur health insurance is decent, get a referral for a dermatologist.
btw- my friends hands sweat so bad that whenshe took essay exams, she'd have to wrap a tissue around the pen she was holding. and she still would literally drip all over the paper!I have sweaty hands all the time. I hate it. I can't control it. They are even sweaty when I'm not hot.
there's a surgery for it I think
hyperhydrosis, ask your doctor, otherwise there are some topical applications... you might try an unscented antiperspirant on your hands and see if that helps too
I think you should go to the psychologist...Don't take me wrong,but the reason of your sweating is in your mind...It is not so serious,many people have that problem
i agree with tang. it's hyperhydrosis. it's fairly common but your case is a little severe. there are topical creams, etc that a dermatologist can prescribe for you but i have a friend with this problem %26amp; she said they didn't work for her. there's also botox injections. they sort of paralyze the sweat glandsin the area for a few months, then u have to get it again. celebrities do this when they have a red carpet event %26amp; don't want to sweat under their arms.
ultimate solution - surgery; but it's risky. they have to collapse both lungs to get to your sweat glands and sort of clip them, therefore preventing u from sweating in the area that bothers u. the problem - sometimes you end up sweating in other areas to compensate for it, like ur back, legs, etc.
so lots of options, but it's a real condition. ur not crazy. and there is help. have ur parents take u to a doc. if ur health insurance is decent, get a referral for a dermatologist.
btw- my friends hands sweat so bad that whenshe took essay exams, she'd have to wrap a tissue around the pen she was holding. and she still would literally drip all over the paper!I have sweaty hands all the time. I hate it. I can't control it. They are even sweaty when I'm not hot.
there's a surgery for it I think
hyperhydrosis, ask your doctor, otherwise there are some topical applications... you might try an unscented antiperspirant on your hands and see if that helps too
I think you should go to the psychologist...Don't take me wrong,but the reason of your sweating is in your mind...It is not so serious,many people have that problem
Hey gun control advocates: when you can come up with a way to keep firearms out of criminal's hands, before...
...taking then out of a law-abiding citizen's hands, I'll be happy to listen to what you have to say. Until then, shut the 'f' up!Hey gun control advocates: when you can come up with a way to keep firearms out of criminal's hands, before...
finally someone with some sense talking about gun control. thank you.Hey gun control advocates: when you can come up with a way to keep firearms out of criminal's hands, before...
Ban the sale of handguns and automatic weapons. It is impossible to distinguish between a law abiding citizen and a criminal. A law abiding citizen can buy a weapon you claim is for ';self defense'; and use it to murder 32 people.
Why don't you forward your comment on to Rosie O'Donnell? that would be a good one for her to answer!!
They can't even keep violent videos out of their own childrens hands!
Isn鈥檛 it time people started raising their children properly no matter what country they鈥檙e from? Americans have carried gun for over 200 years. It鈥檚 just been this last generation that has been so violent when our society is suppose to be so civilized! Parents should and need to take responsibility for raising a generation of violent children!
No, don't blame it on the guns blame it on the people behind the guns!
Ask how many kids have to die before PARENTS take responsibility for raising their kids in a violent way. Parents should ban violence on the air waves and TV and movies and video games. Instead PARENTS use them as Cheap baby sitters!
Put the blame where it belongs on the PARENTS AND THE MEDIA not the guns!
Don't TREAD on our Constitutional Rights to protect ourselves from a Tyrant Government by banning guns because American parents are bad parents and want to shift the blame to someone else rather than take responsibility for raising violent children! Punish the parents!
If PARENTS threw more Love at their kids instead of money we would be a better society!
Excuse me smartie, but the shooter was apparently a law-abiding citizen (i.e. not a convicted felon) who purchased the gun legally from a licensed dealer. So much for your typical gun-freak whining about law abiding citizens and responsible purchase/ownership of guns.
I agree with you, but I still laugh every time I see a ';Charleton Heston is my president'; bumper sticker.
Go after the source of the weapons and stop the production of weapons targeted for civilian sale! Only military should have weapons. If you don't agree with this statement then this means you don't trust your own military establishment. That being the case, you must not trust your own government, what's left then?
I agree, and I am about sick and tired of foreigners belittling the US Constitution!
Look it up. Read it. It is not just some piece of paper where we scribble out what we don't want, then fill in something new. It is the SUPREME LAW of the United States!
It's part of what makes us Americans! You may disagree with it, but it is THE LAW.
I'm sure pedophiles disagree with child rape laws. It's still LAW.
Archaic? Freedom of speech, freedom, of religion, freedom, of the press, right to keep and bear arms, abolishment of slavery, archaic? I for one, am very gald these things are still around. What disgusts me most is not really the foreigners, because I don't really expect them to understand. They don't live here, and they mostly hate our guts, anyway. What pisses me off is the born and bred Americans who enjoy these freedoms everyday, but are agreeing with the foreigners. VT was a tragedy. I live in Virginia. However, we cannot allow this random act of violence committed by a foreign lunatic to infringe upon our rights as Americans!
You might want to rephrase your statement it is hard to understand. Member of the NRAthis works
finally someone with some sense talking about gun control. thank you.Hey gun control advocates: when you can come up with a way to keep firearms out of criminal's hands, before...
Ban the sale of handguns and automatic weapons. It is impossible to distinguish between a law abiding citizen and a criminal. A law abiding citizen can buy a weapon you claim is for ';self defense'; and use it to murder 32 people.
Why don't you forward your comment on to Rosie O'Donnell? that would be a good one for her to answer!!
They can't even keep violent videos out of their own childrens hands!
Isn鈥檛 it time people started raising their children properly no matter what country they鈥檙e from? Americans have carried gun for over 200 years. It鈥檚 just been this last generation that has been so violent when our society is suppose to be so civilized! Parents should and need to take responsibility for raising a generation of violent children!
No, don't blame it on the guns blame it on the people behind the guns!
Ask how many kids have to die before PARENTS take responsibility for raising their kids in a violent way. Parents should ban violence on the air waves and TV and movies and video games. Instead PARENTS use them as Cheap baby sitters!
Put the blame where it belongs on the PARENTS AND THE MEDIA not the guns!
Don't TREAD on our Constitutional Rights to protect ourselves from a Tyrant Government by banning guns because American parents are bad parents and want to shift the blame to someone else rather than take responsibility for raising violent children! Punish the parents!
If PARENTS threw more Love at their kids instead of money we would be a better society!
Excuse me smartie, but the shooter was apparently a law-abiding citizen (i.e. not a convicted felon) who purchased the gun legally from a licensed dealer. So much for your typical gun-freak whining about law abiding citizens and responsible purchase/ownership of guns.
I agree with you, but I still laugh every time I see a ';Charleton Heston is my president'; bumper sticker.
Go after the source of the weapons and stop the production of weapons targeted for civilian sale! Only military should have weapons. If you don't agree with this statement then this means you don't trust your own military establishment. That being the case, you must not trust your own government, what's left then?
I agree, and I am about sick and tired of foreigners belittling the US Constitution!
Look it up. Read it. It is not just some piece of paper where we scribble out what we don't want, then fill in something new. It is the SUPREME LAW of the United States!
It's part of what makes us Americans! You may disagree with it, but it is THE LAW.
I'm sure pedophiles disagree with child rape laws. It's still LAW.
Archaic? Freedom of speech, freedom, of religion, freedom, of the press, right to keep and bear arms, abolishment of slavery, archaic? I for one, am very gald these things are still around. What disgusts me most is not really the foreigners, because I don't really expect them to understand. They don't live here, and they mostly hate our guts, anyway. What pisses me off is the born and bred Americans who enjoy these freedoms everyday, but are agreeing with the foreigners. VT was a tragedy. I live in Virginia. However, we cannot allow this random act of violence committed by a foreign lunatic to infringe upon our rights as Americans!
You might want to rephrase your statement it is hard to understand. Member of the NRA
How do I control my nerves which cause my hands to shake?
Recently, I began working at a fine dining restaurant. At the start of my shifts, during my first few tables, my hands start to shake uncontrollably. This is a really bad thing because I have to walk full champagne flutes to tables and present them, while my hands are shaking. Curiously, after I've been working for a while, the shaking stops, I feel more comfortable and confident, and all is fine. But during the first few tables, the shaking is bad. So noticeable in fact, that a coworker of mine noticed tonight and asked me what was wrong. This is a really good job, with the opportunity for some good money and I'm worried this condition of mine will cost me my job if a manager notices it and if it continues. Any suggestions out there as to how I can control this? I really need some help.How do I control my nerves which cause my hands to shake?
probably a tension problem. Try pointing your fingers out as far as you can, count to 10, and relax. Now make a fist with both hands squeeze tight count to 10 and relax. How do I control my nerves which cause my hands to shake?
Sounds like you just need to get into ';the mood'; before you hit the floor. If your nervous your hands will definitely shake. With time this should go away, but that doesnt help you now does it?
Id drive to just hype yourself up before you get out and start working (not caffeine or anything). Try doing things that make you confident (whether it be music, working out, etc) before you go to work. Be sure when you start to wait you get a positive-thinking head BEFORE you ever see the table, if you approach them confidently, they will respond in a much better tone.
probably a tension problem. Try pointing your fingers out as far as you can, count to 10, and relax. Now make a fist with both hands squeeze tight count to 10 and relax. How do I control my nerves which cause my hands to shake?
Sounds like you just need to get into ';the mood'; before you hit the floor. If your nervous your hands will definitely shake. With time this should go away, but that doesnt help you now does it?
Id drive to just hype yourself up before you get out and start working (not caffeine or anything). Try doing things that make you confident (whether it be music, working out, etc) before you go to work. Be sure when you start to wait you get a positive-thinking head BEFORE you ever see the table, if you approach them confidently, they will respond in a much better tone.
I am running for president of the united states ... i want gun control... this means using both hands, i want?
the war to end... our service people to come home...after we take control of iraq as part of the united states with our government... we bought the country with our blood ... the oil should be used in part for us... the economy needs an overhaul... get rid of the federal reserve (read The Creature forom Jekly Island) go back to the gold standard... any political figure who breaks the law is removed from office and has no pension... he cant resign to avoid prosecution... now lets see what you want to add to this list of wishful thinking... of course Peace on earth sounds perfect... one day it will come...I am running for president of the united states ... i want gun control... this means using both hands, i want?
ok, put the crack pipe down.I am running for president of the united states ... i want gun control... this means using both hands, i want?
I couldnt get through all that. Was there a question? Here are some answers for you:
red, 33, only in Idaho.
the only way there will be peace on earth is when there is no more people!
ok, put the crack pipe down.I am running for president of the united states ... i want gun control... this means using both hands, i want?
I couldnt get through all that. Was there a question? Here are some answers for you:
red, 33, only in Idaho.
the only way there will be peace on earth is when there is no more people!
Does a girl have complete control over a guy when she has his balls in her hands? Why so?
pretty much yes because if she squeezes the poor buggers going to be in a hell of a lot of pain for a hell of a long timeDoes a girl have complete control over a guy when she has his balls in her hands? Why so?
You cant bare the pain. You cant even think straight
You cant bare the pain. You cant even think straight
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Who sings a song that starts with ';clap ya hands everybody'; I think it is called ';outta Control'; who sings it?
It is a hip hop kind of songWho sings a song that starts with ';clap ya hands everybody'; I think it is called ';outta Control'; who sings it?
Jermaine DupriWho sings a song that starts with ';clap ya hands everybody'; I think it is called ';outta Control'; who sings it?
My guess would be Missy Elliot - Lose Control
Jermaine DupriWho sings a song that starts with ';clap ya hands everybody'; I think it is called ';outta Control'; who sings it?
My guess would be Missy Elliot - Lose Control
Why do my hands shake? Nervousness? How can I control it?
I'm a 15 year old girl btw if that helps any.Why do my hands shake? Nervousness? How can I control it?
I'm a 15 year old girl too %26amp; I'm the same way. It sucks, I know. And the thing is, once you realize that you do this, you become even MORE conscious of it, which makes you even more nervous, which makes you shake even more!
I shake and tremble and such whenever attention is directed at me.. some days I feel confident enough to handle it and some days I don't.
Basically, you've gotta have some self confidence. Everybody gets nervous sometimes, and you have to learn to stop being so critical of yourself. You might not ever like being the center of attention (and that's a good thing :)), but you can learn to deal with your fear in positive ways.
A couple months ago, I realized that whenever I felt awkward, my lips would start to tremble.. this was even WORSE than my hands, hahah! It was horrible, but it did go away after a couple weeks. Just think - it could be worse - it could be your LIPS! :)Why do my hands shake? Nervousness? How can I control it?
when i am nervous my whole boddy shakes .
Do you have lunch after this happens or before? Ive noticed when people don't eat for a while or are extremely hungry, they start to shake and lose focus. Im sure its because
you do get nervous but hunger also might be part of the reason.
Quote ';It seems as if whenever attention is put on me,'; You just answered your own question, your nervous.
I have similiar issues, but it is because the amount of caffeine i take. Somedays i don't touch it. No shakes, somedays i do, and its quite bad.
u are probably nervous internally or self concious. many people are so don't worry. before you start talking try taking deep slow breaths for a few seconds. it will make a big difference.
also how old are you? if you over 21, then try checking your blood pressure. maybe that might be a cause for ur hands shaking.
hope i helped :)
You may have a nervous breakdown. Put your hands to your side, and try to fight it off.
Let me hold 'em...
I'm a 15 year old girl too %26amp; I'm the same way. It sucks, I know. And the thing is, once you realize that you do this, you become even MORE conscious of it, which makes you even more nervous, which makes you shake even more!
I shake and tremble and such whenever attention is directed at me.. some days I feel confident enough to handle it and some days I don't.
Basically, you've gotta have some self confidence. Everybody gets nervous sometimes, and you have to learn to stop being so critical of yourself. You might not ever like being the center of attention (and that's a good thing :)), but you can learn to deal with your fear in positive ways.
A couple months ago, I realized that whenever I felt awkward, my lips would start to tremble.. this was even WORSE than my hands, hahah! It was horrible, but it did go away after a couple weeks. Just think - it could be worse - it could be your LIPS! :)Why do my hands shake? Nervousness? How can I control it?
when i am nervous my whole boddy shakes .
Report Abuse
Do you have lunch after this happens or before? Ive noticed when people don't eat for a while or are extremely hungry, they start to shake and lose focus. Im sure its because
you do get nervous but hunger also might be part of the reason.
Quote ';It seems as if whenever attention is put on me,'; You just answered your own question, your nervous.
I have similiar issues, but it is because the amount of caffeine i take. Somedays i don't touch it. No shakes, somedays i do, and its quite bad.
u are probably nervous internally or self concious. many people are so don't worry. before you start talking try taking deep slow breaths for a few seconds. it will make a big difference.
also how old are you? if you over 21, then try checking your blood pressure. maybe that might be a cause for ur hands shaking.
hope i helped :)
You may have a nervous breakdown. Put your hands to your side, and try to fight it off.
Let me hold 'em...
How do you say ';take control of your own fate'; and ';take fate into your own hands'; in Latin
The much quoted ';carpe diem'; covers the same sort of sentiment as your phrases. It can be translated as ';enjoy the day';,';seize the moment';.
If you're looking for something closer to the English I can suggest the following compromises.
Based on a phrase of Cicero; ';Guberna motum tuae fortunae'; - (Steer the movement of your fortune)
Fortuna sit in manu tua. (Let fortune rest in your own hand)
There is a word ';fatum'; for fate but by its very definition the Romans considered it as something determined by the Gods, so it couldn't be controlled by the individual. Therefore I have used the less controversial ';Fortuna'; which can be translated as fate,luck,fortune.
You might even replace ';fortuna,fortunae'; with ';vita,vitae'; - life.How do you say ';take control of your own fate'; and ';take fate into your own hands'; in Latin
The standard is ';CARPE DEUM'; which literally means '; sieze the day.
Some say that this can't be done so it should be ';CARPE INSTANTA'; or sieze the moment.
Hope that helpsHow do you say ';take control of your own fate'; and ';take fate into your own hands'; in Latin
The most efficient translation is ';carpe diem';. The literal translation of carpe diem is ';seize the day';.
PS ';Carpe deum'; means ';seize God'; from ';deus'; meaning god or deity.this works
If you're looking for something closer to the English I can suggest the following compromises.
Based on a phrase of Cicero; ';Guberna motum tuae fortunae'; - (Steer the movement of your fortune)
Fortuna sit in manu tua. (Let fortune rest in your own hand)
There is a word ';fatum'; for fate but by its very definition the Romans considered it as something determined by the Gods, so it couldn't be controlled by the individual. Therefore I have used the less controversial ';Fortuna'; which can be translated as fate,luck,fortune.
You might even replace ';fortuna,fortunae'; with ';vita,vitae'; - life.How do you say ';take control of your own fate'; and ';take fate into your own hands'; in Latin
The standard is ';CARPE DEUM'; which literally means '; sieze the day.
Some say that this can't be done so it should be ';CARPE INSTANTA'; or sieze the moment.
Hope that helpsHow do you say ';take control of your own fate'; and ';take fate into your own hands'; in Latin
The most efficient translation is ';carpe diem';. The literal translation of carpe diem is ';seize the day';.
PS ';Carpe deum'; means ';seize God'; from ';deus'; meaning god or deity.
My hands swell up, just started birth control?
Okay, I started birth control almost exactly a month ago. Everything was fine and I didn't have any major side effects from it, but I noticed a couple days ago when I went shopping that from carrying the bags my hand was swelling up. It turned red, and was kind of tingly, not really very painful, but very very uncomfortable.
Today I was carrying my purse for about an hour, and both my hands got that way. They were both red, swollen, and uncomfortable.
And I haven't got a new purse, not carrying anything heavy or anything like that. I've been doing the exact same thing for years, so I know that it's not from the bags or purse or anything.
Is this a side effect of birth control? Is it serious? Is is something else?
Any information at all is greatly appreciated! Thank you!My hands swell up, just started birth control?
Is it possible you have high blood pressure or are retaining fluids? People with high blood pressure often have that problem after walking for periods of time. You might want to check on your BP with a doctor because the birth control could certainly be throwing something off track in your body. Sounds like fluid retention.My hands swell up, just started birth control?
Sounds like severe allergic reaction.Go to hospital ASAP.You talking about pill or condoms?Sounds like a latex allergy which is condoms but can happen on pill also
Today I was carrying my purse for about an hour, and both my hands got that way. They were both red, swollen, and uncomfortable.
And I haven't got a new purse, not carrying anything heavy or anything like that. I've been doing the exact same thing for years, so I know that it's not from the bags or purse or anything.
Is this a side effect of birth control? Is it serious? Is is something else?
Any information at all is greatly appreciated! Thank you!My hands swell up, just started birth control?
Is it possible you have high blood pressure or are retaining fluids? People with high blood pressure often have that problem after walking for periods of time. You might want to check on your BP with a doctor because the birth control could certainly be throwing something off track in your body. Sounds like fluid retention.My hands swell up, just started birth control?
Sounds like severe allergic reaction.Go to hospital ASAP.You talking about pill or condoms?Sounds like a latex allergy which is condoms but can happen on pill also
My dog is out of control!! Over exuberant, jumping, nipping hands and chasing people that enter our yard?
She is a large 2 yr old Golden Retriever who really just wants to play. Yet no matter how much attention we give her, she's awful when visitors come. (She's well behaved when it's just us around) The problem arises when visitors enter our yard or house. Jumping, nipping hands, chasing. How do we teach her to relax when people come over? We've started crating her when they come because it's so bad. I know that won't teach her to stop and I need ideas.My dog is out of control!! Over exuberant, jumping, nipping hands and chasing people that enter our yard?
Go to obedience class because you need to train her, especially to come, sit, lie down, and stay. If you could make those behaviors consistent with her, you are probably going to be her boss. Right now, she doesn't really respect anyone if she's doing all that. If she has so much energy, do you walk the dog? You should walk the dog long and far.
Keep your dog leashed when people come over. Otherwise, as you train her, the crate is a good idea. It's not a permanent answer though!My dog is out of control!! Over exuberant, jumping, nipping hands and chasing people that enter our yard?
The golden retriever unfortunately was ranked number 3 as one of the most toothy attacker of other dogs, etc. I always thought they were perfect dogs. The chow chow was the number one. Can't remember #2
Puppy training is the most important to stop this. It sounds like you didn't have her when she was younger and if you did, you should have trained her about this in the first few months. It's not too late. You will have to devout a lot of time from now on by doing the suggestions above, to separate her from the situation. You will have to train her to stay, sit and then give her treats again to get control of her again. Other than that, you will need to get a trainer.
She sounds like she's in need of a lot more exercise than she's getting, first of all. A tired dog is a well-behaved dog. Make sure you're taking her on nice long walks at least twice a day and providing other more intense exercise that will engage her mind as well. Goldens were bred to be hunting dogs, retrieving in the field- they can require a huge amount of exercise. Walk her before visitors come to reduce the energy level, then leash her before letting them in. If she jumps, pulls, or otherwise is behaving inappropriately, clap your hands or say 'uh-uh' to let her know her actions are not OK, and remove her from the room into a quiet, boring area like a bathroom, utility room, etc for a 'time out'. Do not use the crate for this, it should never ever be used as a punishment. Leave her for several minutes or until totally calm, then allow her out again. Repeat each time she misbehaves. Given time, she will come to understand that she gets to have no fun if she behaves rudely to your guests.
My parents' dog is similar, tho not biting.
I've been looking into getting them a book or DVD by the so-called Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan. His shows are on early evening TV in the UK, if that's where you are.
He does brilliant work improving pet behaviour. With dogs it's all about them not being the leader of the pack, but you. Sounds ridiculous, but it's true.
Either get some books on dog training, sign up for a class, AND be prepared to do a lot of work -- or start trying to re-home her.
First of all, people should not be running from her when they come over, so she should never ever have the opportunity to chase. If someone runs, they are essentially inviting her to play and strongly reinforcing chasing behavior. Sounds like you need to work on training not only your dog, but also your visitors.
You should have started working on good manners a long time ago, from the moment she came home. When someone comes over, keep her on a leash. Never allow your visitors to approach and interact with your dog unless she is acting calmly. If she jumps or nips at them, turn right around and walk away to a location where she can not see the visitors and make her sit and be as boring as possible until she has calmed down. Then take her back into the room, but as soon as she starts to act up, away she goes again. Physically removing her from your visitors will help teach her that her behavior gets her the exact opposite of what she wants, which is to interact with your guests. You can also have a secure tether in the room to which she can be attached to physically restrain her from going over and jumping on your guests to help her learn that she can indeed be calm around people. Another thing to try for the nipping, since she is a retriever and has a basic instinct to have something in her mouth, is to teach her to pick up a toy when people come over. If she has a toy in her mouth she can't nip. Crating is not necessarily the wrong solution to your problem, but you are right in that she will not learn to control herself if she is only removed from the situation and not given an opportunity to offer appropriate behaviors instead of her bad manners.
You're right - crating doesn't help and usually the dog becomes more frustrated that they can't go say hello. They also don't associate their exuberant behavior with the punishment, so they don't learn.
She should be on a leash when people come over so you have more control. Have treats at the ready and make sure your guests know that it may take anywhere from 5-30 minutes for them to actually get inside the house. Start with the house and tell people to avoid coming into the yard (unless they've come in through the house first.)
Start by trying to control her when they come to the door. Let her join you at the door to greet but if she barks, jumps on the door, nips, etc then you need to walk her back into the other room with you until she calms down. When she is calm, go greet your guests and allow them inside. If she jumps/barks/etc while they are stepping in then have them step right back out and close the door. Point of this is that door opening means dog has to be calm.
When they are inside let her say hello on YOUR terms - meaning she is not allowed to pull you over, nip, or jump. If she does you turn right back around and keep her in another room AWAY from guests until she is calm. Then try again.
Note: You can either remove her or have the guests walk back outside when doing this exercise. Either way it works because in her eyes, her behavior is chasing these people away - and she wants to BE with them.
Have guests pick up treats on the way in - they give her pats and treats when she SITS for them. If she jumps up they leave the house or she leaves the room. She gets NO attention - not even a glance - unless she is behaving accordingly.
For outside, it should be the same. No attention unless she's relatively calm. No running around (IE don't have kids or people run around with her) and remove her if she gets too rowdy (i would keep her on a long line so you can catch her without playing a game of chase.)
This worked for my dog. It took a while, but dogs want to be with people. So if people leave when they do certain things the dog learns to NOT do them (sort of like teaching a puppy not to play roughly.)
My GSD does the exact same thing and he is currently being kenneled for his bad behavior. Part of the problem is lack of trust in your leadership ability, which can be resolved with dog training with a qualified trainer.
My dog is a foster dog and he was bounced around quite a bit in his young life. So, I am trying to rehabilitate his problem areas with help from my vet and his trainer. Another issue that my dog suffers from that maybe a symptom that your dog has is the inability to properly judge their bite inhibitions.
This problem occurs when they think that they rule the house and lack proper socialization skills. So, try giving your dog a toy or a chewy every time someone comes to visit. Also encourage your guest to reward your pet with a small biscuit treat when they remain calm with follow up praise from you.
Please understand that even though your dog does not mean to be overly playful. Some people may not tolerate your dog's nipping and could report it as an aggressive dog. It is very important that you follow up these issues with a consultation with your vet and a qualified dog trainer.
Best of luck to you.
Go to obedience class because you need to train her, especially to come, sit, lie down, and stay. If you could make those behaviors consistent with her, you are probably going to be her boss. Right now, she doesn't really respect anyone if she's doing all that. If she has so much energy, do you walk the dog? You should walk the dog long and far.
Keep your dog leashed when people come over. Otherwise, as you train her, the crate is a good idea. It's not a permanent answer though!My dog is out of control!! Over exuberant, jumping, nipping hands and chasing people that enter our yard?
The golden retriever unfortunately was ranked number 3 as one of the most toothy attacker of other dogs, etc. I always thought they were perfect dogs. The chow chow was the number one. Can't remember #2
Puppy training is the most important to stop this. It sounds like you didn't have her when she was younger and if you did, you should have trained her about this in the first few months. It's not too late. You will have to devout a lot of time from now on by doing the suggestions above, to separate her from the situation. You will have to train her to stay, sit and then give her treats again to get control of her again. Other than that, you will need to get a trainer.
She sounds like she's in need of a lot more exercise than she's getting, first of all. A tired dog is a well-behaved dog. Make sure you're taking her on nice long walks at least twice a day and providing other more intense exercise that will engage her mind as well. Goldens were bred to be hunting dogs, retrieving in the field- they can require a huge amount of exercise. Walk her before visitors come to reduce the energy level, then leash her before letting them in. If she jumps, pulls, or otherwise is behaving inappropriately, clap your hands or say 'uh-uh' to let her know her actions are not OK, and remove her from the room into a quiet, boring area like a bathroom, utility room, etc for a 'time out'. Do not use the crate for this, it should never ever be used as a punishment. Leave her for several minutes or until totally calm, then allow her out again. Repeat each time she misbehaves. Given time, she will come to understand that she gets to have no fun if she behaves rudely to your guests.
My parents' dog is similar, tho not biting.
I've been looking into getting them a book or DVD by the so-called Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan. His shows are on early evening TV in the UK, if that's where you are.
He does brilliant work improving pet behaviour. With dogs it's all about them not being the leader of the pack, but you. Sounds ridiculous, but it's true.
Either get some books on dog training, sign up for a class, AND be prepared to do a lot of work -- or start trying to re-home her.
First of all, people should not be running from her when they come over, so she should never ever have the opportunity to chase. If someone runs, they are essentially inviting her to play and strongly reinforcing chasing behavior. Sounds like you need to work on training not only your dog, but also your visitors.
You should have started working on good manners a long time ago, from the moment she came home. When someone comes over, keep her on a leash. Never allow your visitors to approach and interact with your dog unless she is acting calmly. If she jumps or nips at them, turn right around and walk away to a location where she can not see the visitors and make her sit and be as boring as possible until she has calmed down. Then take her back into the room, but as soon as she starts to act up, away she goes again. Physically removing her from your visitors will help teach her that her behavior gets her the exact opposite of what she wants, which is to interact with your guests. You can also have a secure tether in the room to which she can be attached to physically restrain her from going over and jumping on your guests to help her learn that she can indeed be calm around people. Another thing to try for the nipping, since she is a retriever and has a basic instinct to have something in her mouth, is to teach her to pick up a toy when people come over. If she has a toy in her mouth she can't nip. Crating is not necessarily the wrong solution to your problem, but you are right in that she will not learn to control herself if she is only removed from the situation and not given an opportunity to offer appropriate behaviors instead of her bad manners.
You're right - crating doesn't help and usually the dog becomes more frustrated that they can't go say hello. They also don't associate their exuberant behavior with the punishment, so they don't learn.
She should be on a leash when people come over so you have more control. Have treats at the ready and make sure your guests know that it may take anywhere from 5-30 minutes for them to actually get inside the house. Start with the house and tell people to avoid coming into the yard (unless they've come in through the house first.)
Start by trying to control her when they come to the door. Let her join you at the door to greet but if she barks, jumps on the door, nips, etc then you need to walk her back into the other room with you until she calms down. When she is calm, go greet your guests and allow them inside. If she jumps/barks/etc while they are stepping in then have them step right back out and close the door. Point of this is that door opening means dog has to be calm.
When they are inside let her say hello on YOUR terms - meaning she is not allowed to pull you over, nip, or jump. If she does you turn right back around and keep her in another room AWAY from guests until she is calm. Then try again.
Note: You can either remove her or have the guests walk back outside when doing this exercise. Either way it works because in her eyes, her behavior is chasing these people away - and she wants to BE with them.
Have guests pick up treats on the way in - they give her pats and treats when she SITS for them. If she jumps up they leave the house or she leaves the room. She gets NO attention - not even a glance - unless she is behaving accordingly.
For outside, it should be the same. No attention unless she's relatively calm. No running around (IE don't have kids or people run around with her) and remove her if she gets too rowdy (i would keep her on a long line so you can catch her without playing a game of chase.)
This worked for my dog. It took a while, but dogs want to be with people. So if people leave when they do certain things the dog learns to NOT do them (sort of like teaching a puppy not to play roughly.)
My GSD does the exact same thing and he is currently being kenneled for his bad behavior. Part of the problem is lack of trust in your leadership ability, which can be resolved with dog training with a qualified trainer.
My dog is a foster dog and he was bounced around quite a bit in his young life. So, I am trying to rehabilitate his problem areas with help from my vet and his trainer. Another issue that my dog suffers from that maybe a symptom that your dog has is the inability to properly judge their bite inhibitions.
This problem occurs when they think that they rule the house and lack proper socialization skills. So, try giving your dog a toy or a chewy every time someone comes to visit. Also encourage your guest to reward your pet with a small biscuit treat when they remain calm with follow up praise from you.
Please understand that even though your dog does not mean to be overly playful. Some people may not tolerate your dog's nipping and could report it as an aggressive dog. It is very important that you follow up these issues with a consultation with your vet and a qualified dog trainer.
Best of luck to you.
People are buying every gun they can get their hands on, because of Obamas views on Gun Control. Isn't that..?
Comforting??People are buying every gun they can get their hands on, because of Obamas views on Gun Control. Isn't that..?
Yes, that is comforting seeing as Obama wants to federalize all the states National Guards for his own personal police force, ala Hitler.People are buying every gun they can get their hands on, because of Obamas views on Gun Control. Isn't that..?
No, it isn't.
First of all, Obama supports the right of Americans to own guns. So this sis mostly just a mob response to scare propaganda from the right wing.
However, there is one disturbing note. Obama does support restrictions on high-powered assault weapons. And that appears to be a favorite among these gun nuts.
Here's the disturbing part. First, there's no ';constitutional right'; to own a gun unless it's for a legitimate purpose. That's why the ban on these assault weapons was upheld by the courts while it was in effect in the 1990s. The reason is simple--very few people have a legitimate reason to own such weapons. And imposing such restrictions is well within the guidelines laid down by the conservative US Supreme Court decision in the ';DC gun ban'; case earlier this year.
Now, most of the people buying these weapons are simply a bit screwy--but otherwise not a threat. However, we're seen more than enough hate speech coming from the right wing during this political campaign to be worried. Some of the people buying assault weapons are NOT harmless. Some of them mean to use those weapons.
What's going to happen you can see from the history in the 1980s-90s. Then, when some people--especially religious fanatics--realized they were not going to get their own way on issues like abortion, they resorted to terrorism. The best known case of this was Eric Rudolph and the 1996 Olympic park bombing in Atlanta that killed and injured over 100 people. This unstable element on the right are now faced with a fully Democratic administration headed by an African American--and a lot of the things that are going to come from that administration are NOT going to sit well with the religious/political extremists.
Expect some of these weapons being sold now to be used in terrorist attacks against American citizens in the not-too-distant future.
I see the NRA has been hard at work spreading mis-information and raising the level of paranoia. I guess they won't be happy until there's a fully-loaded automatic rifle in the hands of every man, woman and child in the U.S.A. so that we can defend ourselves from the devil worshiping gay U.N. troops that are supposedly already here and just waiting for the order to burn all our Bibles.
well when obama takes office its going to be very hard to perchase one. so that means the price of guns wil go up. which means get it while you can 4 cheap. because its going to b hard to purchse one after obama takes office.
People that buy guns legally are not the people with guns you need to worry about.
Obama isnt going to take guns away
He is going to impose a new tax on guns and ammo raising the price of both through the roof
yes it is true, the lines in florida are long buying a gun...people feel that the bad guys will get there guns off the street, so they want to have protection.. it is a shame...and scary..
maybe obama has found a way to start the economic recovery.instead of a bailout, start a panic buying spree.
good example of the power of hysteria and rumors.
Gun laws are made by the states. Obama won't run the states.
First of all, we should thank Obama. He has more than likely done more for gun sales than any other president-elect. Second, yes it is comforting. I love my state!
Please read up on Obama's vote as state senator...the reason he voted against it was because they wanted to lower the age from 21 to 18 to purchase a gun. He does not want to take away your guns...relax!!
Good news for gun organizations who are now profiting from spreading those lies.
Obama's gonna take my guns away!
yes... it's also very smart...go them!
theres a bunch of crazys out there thats why.
and thats whats wrong with our world. guns get into the hands of the wrong people.
regular people dont need guns. come on people.
I haven't heard that one. But if people are buying guns it is because they are scared for our national security such as myself.
I am. I bought 2 new guns, and a butt-load of ammo.
Not at all! The last thing we need is more paranoia out there!
People are? which people? not me
Yes, that is comforting seeing as Obama wants to federalize all the states National Guards for his own personal police force, ala Hitler.People are buying every gun they can get their hands on, because of Obamas views on Gun Control. Isn't that..?
No, it isn't.
First of all, Obama supports the right of Americans to own guns. So this sis mostly just a mob response to scare propaganda from the right wing.
However, there is one disturbing note. Obama does support restrictions on high-powered assault weapons. And that appears to be a favorite among these gun nuts.
Here's the disturbing part. First, there's no ';constitutional right'; to own a gun unless it's for a legitimate purpose. That's why the ban on these assault weapons was upheld by the courts while it was in effect in the 1990s. The reason is simple--very few people have a legitimate reason to own such weapons. And imposing such restrictions is well within the guidelines laid down by the conservative US Supreme Court decision in the ';DC gun ban'; case earlier this year.
Now, most of the people buying these weapons are simply a bit screwy--but otherwise not a threat. However, we're seen more than enough hate speech coming from the right wing during this political campaign to be worried. Some of the people buying assault weapons are NOT harmless. Some of them mean to use those weapons.
What's going to happen you can see from the history in the 1980s-90s. Then, when some people--especially religious fanatics--realized they were not going to get their own way on issues like abortion, they resorted to terrorism. The best known case of this was Eric Rudolph and the 1996 Olympic park bombing in Atlanta that killed and injured over 100 people. This unstable element on the right are now faced with a fully Democratic administration headed by an African American--and a lot of the things that are going to come from that administration are NOT going to sit well with the religious/political extremists.
Expect some of these weapons being sold now to be used in terrorist attacks against American citizens in the not-too-distant future.
I see the NRA has been hard at work spreading mis-information and raising the level of paranoia. I guess they won't be happy until there's a fully-loaded automatic rifle in the hands of every man, woman and child in the U.S.A. so that we can defend ourselves from the devil worshiping gay U.N. troops that are supposedly already here and just waiting for the order to burn all our Bibles.
well when obama takes office its going to be very hard to perchase one. so that means the price of guns wil go up. which means get it while you can 4 cheap. because its going to b hard to purchse one after obama takes office.
People that buy guns legally are not the people with guns you need to worry about.
Obama isnt going to take guns away
He is going to impose a new tax on guns and ammo raising the price of both through the roof
yes it is true, the lines in florida are long buying a gun...people feel that the bad guys will get there guns off the street, so they want to have protection.. it is a shame...and scary..
maybe obama has found a way to start the economic recovery.instead of a bailout, start a panic buying spree.
good example of the power of hysteria and rumors.
Gun laws are made by the states. Obama won't run the states.
First of all, we should thank Obama. He has more than likely done more for gun sales than any other president-elect. Second, yes it is comforting. I love my state!
Please read up on Obama's vote as state senator...the reason he voted against it was because they wanted to lower the age from 21 to 18 to purchase a gun. He does not want to take away your guns...relax!!
Good news for gun organizations who are now profiting from spreading those lies.
Obama's gonna take my guns away!
yes... it's also very smart...go them!
theres a bunch of crazys out there thats why.
and thats whats wrong with our world. guns get into the hands of the wrong people.
regular people dont need guns. come on people.
I haven't heard that one. But if people are buying guns it is because they are scared for our national security such as myself.
I am. I bought 2 new guns, and a butt-load of ammo.
Not at all! The last thing we need is more paranoia out there!
People are? which people? not me
How do you say ';take control of your own fate'; and ';take fate into your own hands'; in Latin
The much quoted ';carpe diem'; covers the same sort of sentiment as your phrases. It can be translated as ';enjoy the day';,';seize the moment';.
If you're looking for something closer to the English I can suggest the following compromises.
Based on a phrase of Cicero; ';Guberna motum tuae fortunae'; - (Steer the movement of your fortune)
Fortuna sit in manu tua. (Let fortune rest in your own hand)
There is a word ';fatum'; for fate but by its very definition the Romans considered it as something determined by the Gods, so it couldn't be controlled by the individual. Therefore I have used the less controversial ';Fortuna'; which can be translated as fate,luck,fortune.
You might even replace ';fortuna,fortunae'; with ';vita,vitae'; - life.How do you say ';take control of your own fate'; and ';take fate into your own hands'; in Latin
The standard is ';CARPE DEUM'; which literally means '; sieze the day.
Some say that this can't be done so it should be ';CARPE INSTANTA'; or sieze the moment.
Hope that helpsHow do you say ';take control of your own fate'; and ';take fate into your own hands'; in Latin
The most efficient translation is ';carpe diem';. The literal translation of carpe diem is ';seize the day';.
PS ';Carpe deum'; means ';seize God'; from ';deus'; meaning god or deity.
If you're looking for something closer to the English I can suggest the following compromises.
Based on a phrase of Cicero; ';Guberna motum tuae fortunae'; - (Steer the movement of your fortune)
Fortuna sit in manu tua. (Let fortune rest in your own hand)
There is a word ';fatum'; for fate but by its very definition the Romans considered it as something determined by the Gods, so it couldn't be controlled by the individual. Therefore I have used the less controversial ';Fortuna'; which can be translated as fate,luck,fortune.
You might even replace ';fortuna,fortunae'; with ';vita,vitae'; - life.How do you say ';take control of your own fate'; and ';take fate into your own hands'; in Latin
The standard is ';CARPE DEUM'; which literally means '; sieze the day.
Some say that this can't be done so it should be ';CARPE INSTANTA'; or sieze the moment.
Hope that helpsHow do you say ';take control of your own fate'; and ';take fate into your own hands'; in Latin
The most efficient translation is ';carpe diem';. The literal translation of carpe diem is ';seize the day';.
PS ';Carpe deum'; means ';seize God'; from ';deus'; meaning god or deity.
My hands swell up, just started birth control?
Okay, I started birth control almost exactly a month ago. Everything was fine and I didn't have any major side effects from it, but I noticed a couple days ago when I went shopping that from carrying the bags my hand was swelling up. It turned red, and was kind of tingly, not really very painful, but very very uncomfortable.
Today I was carrying my purse for about an hour, and both my hands got that way. They were both red, swollen, and uncomfortable.
And I haven't got a new purse, not carrying anything heavy or anything like that. I've been doing the exact same thing for years, so I know that it's not from the bags or purse or anything.
Is this a side effect of birth control? Is it serious? Is is something else?
Any information at all is greatly appreciated! Thank you!My hands swell up, just started birth control?
Is it possible you have high blood pressure or are retaining fluids? People with high blood pressure often have that problem after walking for periods of time. You might want to check on your BP with a doctor because the birth control could certainly be throwing something off track in your body. Sounds like fluid retention.My hands swell up, just started birth control?
Sounds like severe allergic reaction.Go to hospital ASAP.You talking about pill or condoms?Sounds like a latex allergy which is condoms but can happen on pill also
Today I was carrying my purse for about an hour, and both my hands got that way. They were both red, swollen, and uncomfortable.
And I haven't got a new purse, not carrying anything heavy or anything like that. I've been doing the exact same thing for years, so I know that it's not from the bags or purse or anything.
Is this a side effect of birth control? Is it serious? Is is something else?
Any information at all is greatly appreciated! Thank you!My hands swell up, just started birth control?
Is it possible you have high blood pressure or are retaining fluids? People with high blood pressure often have that problem after walking for periods of time. You might want to check on your BP with a doctor because the birth control could certainly be throwing something off track in your body. Sounds like fluid retention.My hands swell up, just started birth control?
Sounds like severe allergic reaction.Go to hospital ASAP.You talking about pill or condoms?Sounds like a latex allergy which is condoms but can happen on pill also
My dog is out of control!! Over exuberant, jumping, nipping hands and chasing people that enter our yard?
She is a large 2 yr old Golden Retriever who really just wants to play. Yet no matter how much attention we give her, she's awful when visitors come. (She's well behaved when it's just us around) The problem arises when visitors enter our yard or house. Jumping, nipping hands, chasing. How do we teach her to relax when people come over? We've started crating her when they come because it's so bad. I know that won't teach her to stop and I need ideas.My dog is out of control!! Over exuberant, jumping, nipping hands and chasing people that enter our yard?
Go to obedience class because you need to train her, especially to come, sit, lie down, and stay. If you could make those behaviors consistent with her, you are probably going to be her boss. Right now, she doesn't really respect anyone if she's doing all that. If she has so much energy, do you walk the dog? You should walk the dog long and far.
Keep your dog leashed when people come over. Otherwise, as you train her, the crate is a good idea. It's not a permanent answer though!My dog is out of control!! Over exuberant, jumping, nipping hands and chasing people that enter our yard?
The golden retriever unfortunately was ranked number 3 as one of the most toothy attacker of other dogs, etc. I always thought they were perfect dogs. The chow chow was the number one. Can't remember #2
Puppy training is the most important to stop this. It sounds like you didn't have her when she was younger and if you did, you should have trained her about this in the first few months. It's not too late. You will have to devout a lot of time from now on by doing the suggestions above, to separate her from the situation. You will have to train her to stay, sit and then give her treats again to get control of her again. Other than that, you will need to get a trainer.
She sounds like she's in need of a lot more exercise than she's getting, first of all. A tired dog is a well-behaved dog. Make sure you're taking her on nice long walks at least twice a day and providing other more intense exercise that will engage her mind as well. Goldens were bred to be hunting dogs, retrieving in the field- they can require a huge amount of exercise. Walk her before visitors come to reduce the energy level, then leash her before letting them in. If she jumps, pulls, or otherwise is behaving inappropriately, clap your hands or say 'uh-uh' to let her know her actions are not OK, and remove her from the room into a quiet, boring area like a bathroom, utility room, etc for a 'time out'. Do not use the crate for this, it should never ever be used as a punishment. Leave her for several minutes or until totally calm, then allow her out again. Repeat each time she misbehaves. Given time, she will come to understand that she gets to have no fun if she behaves rudely to your guests.
My parents' dog is similar, tho not biting.
I've been looking into getting them a book or DVD by the so-called Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan. His shows are on early evening TV in the UK, if that's where you are.
He does brilliant work improving pet behaviour. With dogs it's all about them not being the leader of the pack, but you. Sounds ridiculous, but it's true.
Either get some books on dog training, sign up for a class, AND be prepared to do a lot of work -- or start trying to re-home her.
First of all, people should not be running from her when they come over, so she should never ever have the opportunity to chase. If someone runs, they are essentially inviting her to play and strongly reinforcing chasing behavior. Sounds like you need to work on training not only your dog, but also your visitors.
You should have started working on good manners a long time ago, from the moment she came home. When someone comes over, keep her on a leash. Never allow your visitors to approach and interact with your dog unless she is acting calmly. If she jumps or nips at them, turn right around and walk away to a location where she can not see the visitors and make her sit and be as boring as possible until she has calmed down. Then take her back into the room, but as soon as she starts to act up, away she goes again. Physically removing her from your visitors will help teach her that her behavior gets her the exact opposite of what she wants, which is to interact with your guests. You can also have a secure tether in the room to which she can be attached to physically restrain her from going over and jumping on your guests to help her learn that she can indeed be calm around people. Another thing to try for the nipping, since she is a retriever and has a basic instinct to have something in her mouth, is to teach her to pick up a toy when people come over. If she has a toy in her mouth she can't nip. Crating is not necessarily the wrong solution to your problem, but you are right in that she will not learn to control herself if she is only removed from the situation and not given an opportunity to offer appropriate behaviors instead of her bad manners.
You're right - crating doesn't help and usually the dog becomes more frustrated that they can't go say hello. They also don't associate their exuberant behavior with the punishment, so they don't learn.
She should be on a leash when people come over so you have more control. Have treats at the ready and make sure your guests know that it may take anywhere from 5-30 minutes for them to actually get inside the house. Start with the house and tell people to avoid coming into the yard (unless they've come in through the house first.)
Start by trying to control her when they come to the door. Let her join you at the door to greet but if she barks, jumps on the door, nips, etc then you need to walk her back into the other room with you until she calms down. When she is calm, go greet your guests and allow them inside. If she jumps/barks/etc while they are stepping in then have them step right back out and close the door. Point of this is that door opening means dog has to be calm.
When they are inside let her say hello on YOUR terms - meaning she is not allowed to pull you over, nip, or jump. If she does you turn right back around and keep her in another room AWAY from guests until she is calm. Then try again.
Note: You can either remove her or have the guests walk back outside when doing this exercise. Either way it works because in her eyes, her behavior is chasing these people away - and she wants to BE with them.
Have guests pick up treats on the way in - they give her pats and treats when she SITS for them. If she jumps up they leave the house or she leaves the room. She gets NO attention - not even a glance - unless she is behaving accordingly.
For outside, it should be the same. No attention unless she's relatively calm. No running around (IE don't have kids or people run around with her) and remove her if she gets too rowdy (i would keep her on a long line so you can catch her without playing a game of chase.)
This worked for my dog. It took a while, but dogs want to be with people. So if people leave when they do certain things the dog learns to NOT do them (sort of like teaching a puppy not to play roughly.)
My GSD does the exact same thing and he is currently being kenneled for his bad behavior. Part of the problem is lack of trust in your leadership ability, which can be resolved with dog training with a qualified trainer.
My dog is a foster dog and he was bounced around quite a bit in his young life. So, I am trying to rehabilitate his problem areas with help from my vet and his trainer. Another issue that my dog suffers from that maybe a symptom that your dog has is the inability to properly judge their bite inhibitions.
This problem occurs when they think that they rule the house and lack proper socialization skills. So, try giving your dog a toy or a chewy every time someone comes to visit. Also encourage your guest to reward your pet with a small biscuit treat when they remain calm with follow up praise from you.
Please understand that even though your dog does not mean to be overly playful. Some people may not tolerate your dog's nipping and could report it as an aggressive dog. It is very important that you follow up these issues with a consultation with your vet and a qualified dog trainer.
Best of luck to you.this works
Go to obedience class because you need to train her, especially to come, sit, lie down, and stay. If you could make those behaviors consistent with her, you are probably going to be her boss. Right now, she doesn't really respect anyone if she's doing all that. If she has so much energy, do you walk the dog? You should walk the dog long and far.
Keep your dog leashed when people come over. Otherwise, as you train her, the crate is a good idea. It's not a permanent answer though!My dog is out of control!! Over exuberant, jumping, nipping hands and chasing people that enter our yard?
The golden retriever unfortunately was ranked number 3 as one of the most toothy attacker of other dogs, etc. I always thought they were perfect dogs. The chow chow was the number one. Can't remember #2
Puppy training is the most important to stop this. It sounds like you didn't have her when she was younger and if you did, you should have trained her about this in the first few months. It's not too late. You will have to devout a lot of time from now on by doing the suggestions above, to separate her from the situation. You will have to train her to stay, sit and then give her treats again to get control of her again. Other than that, you will need to get a trainer.
She sounds like she's in need of a lot more exercise than she's getting, first of all. A tired dog is a well-behaved dog. Make sure you're taking her on nice long walks at least twice a day and providing other more intense exercise that will engage her mind as well. Goldens were bred to be hunting dogs, retrieving in the field- they can require a huge amount of exercise. Walk her before visitors come to reduce the energy level, then leash her before letting them in. If she jumps, pulls, or otherwise is behaving inappropriately, clap your hands or say 'uh-uh' to let her know her actions are not OK, and remove her from the room into a quiet, boring area like a bathroom, utility room, etc for a 'time out'. Do not use the crate for this, it should never ever be used as a punishment. Leave her for several minutes or until totally calm, then allow her out again. Repeat each time she misbehaves. Given time, she will come to understand that she gets to have no fun if she behaves rudely to your guests.
My parents' dog is similar, tho not biting.
I've been looking into getting them a book or DVD by the so-called Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan. His shows are on early evening TV in the UK, if that's where you are.
He does brilliant work improving pet behaviour. With dogs it's all about them not being the leader of the pack, but you. Sounds ridiculous, but it's true.
Either get some books on dog training, sign up for a class, AND be prepared to do a lot of work -- or start trying to re-home her.
First of all, people should not be running from her when they come over, so she should never ever have the opportunity to chase. If someone runs, they are essentially inviting her to play and strongly reinforcing chasing behavior. Sounds like you need to work on training not only your dog, but also your visitors.
You should have started working on good manners a long time ago, from the moment she came home. When someone comes over, keep her on a leash. Never allow your visitors to approach and interact with your dog unless she is acting calmly. If she jumps or nips at them, turn right around and walk away to a location where she can not see the visitors and make her sit and be as boring as possible until she has calmed down. Then take her back into the room, but as soon as she starts to act up, away she goes again. Physically removing her from your visitors will help teach her that her behavior gets her the exact opposite of what she wants, which is to interact with your guests. You can also have a secure tether in the room to which she can be attached to physically restrain her from going over and jumping on your guests to help her learn that she can indeed be calm around people. Another thing to try for the nipping, since she is a retriever and has a basic instinct to have something in her mouth, is to teach her to pick up a toy when people come over. If she has a toy in her mouth she can't nip. Crating is not necessarily the wrong solution to your problem, but you are right in that she will not learn to control herself if she is only removed from the situation and not given an opportunity to offer appropriate behaviors instead of her bad manners.
You're right - crating doesn't help and usually the dog becomes more frustrated that they can't go say hello. They also don't associate their exuberant behavior with the punishment, so they don't learn.
She should be on a leash when people come over so you have more control. Have treats at the ready and make sure your guests know that it may take anywhere from 5-30 minutes for them to actually get inside the house. Start with the house and tell people to avoid coming into the yard (unless they've come in through the house first.)
Start by trying to control her when they come to the door. Let her join you at the door to greet but if she barks, jumps on the door, nips, etc then you need to walk her back into the other room with you until she calms down. When she is calm, go greet your guests and allow them inside. If she jumps/barks/etc while they are stepping in then have them step right back out and close the door. Point of this is that door opening means dog has to be calm.
When they are inside let her say hello on YOUR terms - meaning she is not allowed to pull you over, nip, or jump. If she does you turn right back around and keep her in another room AWAY from guests until she is calm. Then try again.
Note: You can either remove her or have the guests walk back outside when doing this exercise. Either way it works because in her eyes, her behavior is chasing these people away - and she wants to BE with them.
Have guests pick up treats on the way in - they give her pats and treats when she SITS for them. If she jumps up they leave the house or she leaves the room. She gets NO attention - not even a glance - unless she is behaving accordingly.
For outside, it should be the same. No attention unless she's relatively calm. No running around (IE don't have kids or people run around with her) and remove her if she gets too rowdy (i would keep her on a long line so you can catch her without playing a game of chase.)
This worked for my dog. It took a while, but dogs want to be with people. So if people leave when they do certain things the dog learns to NOT do them (sort of like teaching a puppy not to play roughly.)
My GSD does the exact same thing and he is currently being kenneled for his bad behavior. Part of the problem is lack of trust in your leadership ability, which can be resolved with dog training with a qualified trainer.
My dog is a foster dog and he was bounced around quite a bit in his young life. So, I am trying to rehabilitate his problem areas with help from my vet and his trainer. Another issue that my dog suffers from that maybe a symptom that your dog has is the inability to properly judge their bite inhibitions.
This problem occurs when they think that they rule the house and lack proper socialization skills. So, try giving your dog a toy or a chewy every time someone comes to visit. Also encourage your guest to reward your pet with a small biscuit treat when they remain calm with follow up praise from you.
Please understand that even though your dog does not mean to be overly playful. Some people may not tolerate your dog's nipping and could report it as an aggressive dog. It is very important that you follow up these issues with a consultation with your vet and a qualified dog trainer.
Best of luck to you.
People are buying every gun they can get their hands on, because of Obamas views on Gun Control. Isn't that..?
Comforting??People are buying every gun they can get their hands on, because of Obamas views on Gun Control. Isn't that..?
Yes, that is comforting seeing as Obama wants to federalize all the states National Guards for his own personal police force, ala Hitler.People are buying every gun they can get their hands on, because of Obamas views on Gun Control. Isn't that..?
No, it isn't.
First of all, Obama supports the right of Americans to own guns. So this sis mostly just a mob response to scare propaganda from the right wing.
However, there is one disturbing note. Obama does support restrictions on high-powered assault weapons. And that appears to be a favorite among these gun nuts.
Here's the disturbing part. First, there's no ';constitutional right'; to own a gun unless it's for a legitimate purpose. That's why the ban on these assault weapons was upheld by the courts while it was in effect in the 1990s. The reason is simple--very few people have a legitimate reason to own such weapons. And imposing such restrictions is well within the guidelines laid down by the conservative US Supreme Court decision in the ';DC gun ban'; case earlier this year.
Now, most of the people buying these weapons are simply a bit screwy--but otherwise not a threat. However, we're seen more than enough hate speech coming from the right wing during this political campaign to be worried. Some of the people buying assault weapons are NOT harmless. Some of them mean to use those weapons.
What's going to happen you can see from the history in the 1980s-90s. Then, when some people--especially religious fanatics--realized they were not going to get their own way on issues like abortion, they resorted to terrorism. The best known case of this was Eric Rudolph and the 1996 Olympic park bombing in Atlanta that killed and injured over 100 people. This unstable element on the right are now faced with a fully Democratic administration headed by an African American--and a lot of the things that are going to come from that administration are NOT going to sit well with the religious/political extremists.
Expect some of these weapons being sold now to be used in terrorist attacks against American citizens in the not-too-distant future.
I see the NRA has been hard at work spreading mis-information and raising the level of paranoia. I guess they won't be happy until there's a fully-loaded automatic rifle in the hands of every man, woman and child in the U.S.A. so that we can defend ourselves from the devil worshiping gay U.N. troops that are supposedly already here and just waiting for the order to burn all our Bibles.
well when obama takes office its going to be very hard to perchase one. so that means the price of guns wil go up. which means get it while you can 4 cheap. because its going to b hard to purchse one after obama takes office.
People that buy guns legally are not the people with guns you need to worry about.
Obama isnt going to take guns away
He is going to impose a new tax on guns and ammo raising the price of both through the roof
yes it is true, the lines in florida are long buying a gun...people feel that the bad guys will get there guns off the street, so they want to have protection.. it is a shame...and scary..
maybe obama has found a way to start the economic recovery.instead of a bailout, start a panic buying spree.
good example of the power of hysteria and rumors.
Gun laws are made by the states. Obama won't run the states.
First of all, we should thank Obama. He has more than likely done more for gun sales than any other president-elect. Second, yes it is comforting. I love my state!
Please read up on Obama's vote as state senator...the reason he voted against it was because they wanted to lower the age from 21 to 18 to purchase a gun. He does not want to take away your guns...relax!!
Good news for gun organizations who are now profiting from spreading those lies.
Obama's gonna take my guns away!
yes... it's also very smart...go them!
theres a bunch of crazys out there thats why.
and thats whats wrong with our world. guns get into the hands of the wrong people.
regular people dont need guns. come on people.
I haven't heard that one. But if people are buying guns it is because they are scared for our national security such as myself.
I am. I bought 2 new guns, and a butt-load of ammo.
Not at all! The last thing we need is more paranoia out there!
People are? which people? not me
Yes, that is comforting seeing as Obama wants to federalize all the states National Guards for his own personal police force, ala Hitler.People are buying every gun they can get their hands on, because of Obamas views on Gun Control. Isn't that..?
No, it isn't.
First of all, Obama supports the right of Americans to own guns. So this sis mostly just a mob response to scare propaganda from the right wing.
However, there is one disturbing note. Obama does support restrictions on high-powered assault weapons. And that appears to be a favorite among these gun nuts.
Here's the disturbing part. First, there's no ';constitutional right'; to own a gun unless it's for a legitimate purpose. That's why the ban on these assault weapons was upheld by the courts while it was in effect in the 1990s. The reason is simple--very few people have a legitimate reason to own such weapons. And imposing such restrictions is well within the guidelines laid down by the conservative US Supreme Court decision in the ';DC gun ban'; case earlier this year.
Now, most of the people buying these weapons are simply a bit screwy--but otherwise not a threat. However, we're seen more than enough hate speech coming from the right wing during this political campaign to be worried. Some of the people buying assault weapons are NOT harmless. Some of them mean to use those weapons.
What's going to happen you can see from the history in the 1980s-90s. Then, when some people--especially religious fanatics--realized they were not going to get their own way on issues like abortion, they resorted to terrorism. The best known case of this was Eric Rudolph and the 1996 Olympic park bombing in Atlanta that killed and injured over 100 people. This unstable element on the right are now faced with a fully Democratic administration headed by an African American--and a lot of the things that are going to come from that administration are NOT going to sit well with the religious/political extremists.
Expect some of these weapons being sold now to be used in terrorist attacks against American citizens in the not-too-distant future.
I see the NRA has been hard at work spreading mis-information and raising the level of paranoia. I guess they won't be happy until there's a fully-loaded automatic rifle in the hands of every man, woman and child in the U.S.A. so that we can defend ourselves from the devil worshiping gay U.N. troops that are supposedly already here and just waiting for the order to burn all our Bibles.
well when obama takes office its going to be very hard to perchase one. so that means the price of guns wil go up. which means get it while you can 4 cheap. because its going to b hard to purchse one after obama takes office.
People that buy guns legally are not the people with guns you need to worry about.
Obama isnt going to take guns away
He is going to impose a new tax on guns and ammo raising the price of both through the roof
yes it is true, the lines in florida are long buying a gun...people feel that the bad guys will get there guns off the street, so they want to have protection.. it is a shame...and scary..
maybe obama has found a way to start the economic recovery.instead of a bailout, start a panic buying spree.
good example of the power of hysteria and rumors.
Gun laws are made by the states. Obama won't run the states.
First of all, we should thank Obama. He has more than likely done more for gun sales than any other president-elect. Second, yes it is comforting. I love my state!
Please read up on Obama's vote as state senator...the reason he voted against it was because they wanted to lower the age from 21 to 18 to purchase a gun. He does not want to take away your guns...relax!!
Good news for gun organizations who are now profiting from spreading those lies.
Obama's gonna take my guns away!
yes... it's also very smart...go them!
theres a bunch of crazys out there thats why.
and thats whats wrong with our world. guns get into the hands of the wrong people.
regular people dont need guns. come on people.
I haven't heard that one. But if people are buying guns it is because they are scared for our national security such as myself.
I am. I bought 2 new guns, and a butt-load of ammo.
Not at all! The last thing we need is more paranoia out there!
People are? which people? not me
How to control your both of your hands on the piano?
Hi, im having trouble with playing the piano.
I can't seem to control both of my hands together, like i get confused when you play them together at the same time, when it comes to choruses i get confused well not really, i know what to play on both hands but i can't seem to do it i get mixed up.
I like to play river flows in you by Yiruma, i cant play the chorus! =(
i cant play it with both of my hands at the same time.How to control your both of your hands on the piano?
Do you take piano lessons? They help a lot, and if you don't take them already, you should think about it. Also, practice makes perfect. All piano teachers will tell you that piano is not about being born for piano (although some people are; prodigies), it is all about practice.
River Flows in You! I love that song. It's not actually that hard to play. From what you provide, you dont' take lessons, do you? Or if you do, what grade are you in? I learnt it on my own, off sheet music, when I was in Grade 2.
But yeah. If you are having trouble playing hands-together, you need to take piano lessons. It is hard for some people to learn piano from scratch on their own.How to control your both of your hands on the piano?
Well I haven't played piano in a long time but I used to be really good at it.
I found the best thing to do was focus more on my right hand as that usually hosts the more complex parts. You must learn one at a time and try to only play the parts that require your left hand without playing the right handed parts and try to play it while not focusing on it (looking away from the piano, etc.)
Hope that helps.
If you chose Bach, there are nice piano score.
The songs are composed of separately parts to emphasis a left hand and a right hand.
Therefore, first you practice your right hand only. Second you practice your left hand.
Last pratice is playing both hands, and listen the main part that you should push the key strongly.
The name of score is
J.S. BACH Klavier=Werke 4
Shunjusha Edition
Even after I played guitar for a few years, when I first tried to sing and play guitar, it was like starting over! Then, after 25+ yrs. playing guitar and singing, I took up bass and I still have trouble coordinating singing with my bass thumping...why? I play less these days and get less practice!
omg i love playing this song. its really fun and soothing!
just take it one measure at a time and make sure you can do that whole measure with both your hands and then add more and more. you'll get it soon. it just takes practice. good luck =]
Take it really, REALLY slowly at first, playing with both hands. Then gradually play it faster and faster 'til you work your way to normal speed. It might take a while, but it works. =)
I can't seem to control both of my hands together, like i get confused when you play them together at the same time, when it comes to choruses i get confused well not really, i know what to play on both hands but i can't seem to do it i get mixed up.
I like to play river flows in you by Yiruma, i cant play the chorus! =(
i cant play it with both of my hands at the same time.How to control your both of your hands on the piano?
Do you take piano lessons? They help a lot, and if you don't take them already, you should think about it. Also, practice makes perfect. All piano teachers will tell you that piano is not about being born for piano (although some people are; prodigies), it is all about practice.
River Flows in You! I love that song. It's not actually that hard to play. From what you provide, you dont' take lessons, do you? Or if you do, what grade are you in? I learnt it on my own, off sheet music, when I was in Grade 2.
But yeah. If you are having trouble playing hands-together, you need to take piano lessons. It is hard for some people to learn piano from scratch on their own.How to control your both of your hands on the piano?
Well I haven't played piano in a long time but I used to be really good at it.
I found the best thing to do was focus more on my right hand as that usually hosts the more complex parts. You must learn one at a time and try to only play the parts that require your left hand without playing the right handed parts and try to play it while not focusing on it (looking away from the piano, etc.)
Hope that helps.
If you chose Bach, there are nice piano score.
The songs are composed of separately parts to emphasis a left hand and a right hand.
Therefore, first you practice your right hand only. Second you practice your left hand.
Last pratice is playing both hands, and listen the main part that you should push the key strongly.
The name of score is
J.S. BACH Klavier=Werke 4
Shunjusha Edition
Even after I played guitar for a few years, when I first tried to sing and play guitar, it was like starting over! Then, after 25+ yrs. playing guitar and singing, I took up bass and I still have trouble coordinating singing with my bass thumping...why? I play less these days and get less practice!
omg i love playing this song. its really fun and soothing!
just take it one measure at a time and make sure you can do that whole measure with both your hands and then add more and more. you'll get it soon. it just takes practice. good luck =]
Take it really, REALLY slowly at first, playing with both hands. Then gradually play it faster and faster 'til you work your way to normal speed. It might take a while, but it works. =)
What is the cause for my shaky hands and how can i control them?
im 14 female and 5ft. im 8st 7 and relatively healthy. my hands are always very shaky %26amp; im considering going into the beauty industry which would be difficult with my hands, what could be the causes? i do smoke but only 2-3 a day. i dont drink caffiene and only drink at the weekends so i am unsure. i also suffer from mild insomnia and fatigue. i have recently recovered from depression. i had a dvt last year and i am on warfarin for life. could it be to do with my blood? i will soon go consult the doctor but thought i would ask the advice on here first.What is the cause for my shaky hands and how can i control them?
I know that Coumadin has a huge amount of adverse drug interactions. Are you on any other medications? Anti-depressants and Coumadin can cause hand trembling; depression and anxiety themselves can cause your hands to shake; so can muscle weakness. Cigarettes increase your heart rate, and are stimulating, so that could be it too. Also, something as simple as stress can do odd things to your body, It sounds like you have had a stressful period of your life recently, and you can't sleep, and you just got over depression, were you on any medications? Another random but common cause of hand trembling is thyroid dysfunction. Good luck!What is the cause for my shaky hands and how can i control them?
You need to go on vitamins. B12 deficiency, even a slight one will make your hands shake. Also goign on a multivitamin will help you sleep better and give you more energy. B12 can also mimic the symptoms of depression....
Not getting enough sleep and taking a lot of medications can rob your body of nutrients. I promise you'll start to feel better after a week of taking vitamins.
We're not doctors. Wait for your appointment. Good luck.
I know that Coumadin has a huge amount of adverse drug interactions. Are you on any other medications? Anti-depressants and Coumadin can cause hand trembling; depression and anxiety themselves can cause your hands to shake; so can muscle weakness. Cigarettes increase your heart rate, and are stimulating, so that could be it too. Also, something as simple as stress can do odd things to your body, It sounds like you have had a stressful period of your life recently, and you can't sleep, and you just got over depression, were you on any medications? Another random but common cause of hand trembling is thyroid dysfunction. Good luck!What is the cause for my shaky hands and how can i control them?
You need to go on vitamins. B12 deficiency, even a slight one will make your hands shake. Also goign on a multivitamin will help you sleep better and give you more energy. B12 can also mimic the symptoms of depression....
Not getting enough sleep and taking a lot of medications can rob your body of nutrients. I promise you'll start to feel better after a week of taking vitamins.
We're not doctors. Wait for your appointment. Good luck.
Do judges have too much control over our lives? is too much power put into these humans hands?
Judges can have an amazing amount of power. They can tell you may not have contact with and take children away from their parents. You have little recourse except to file motions and appeals and really only lawyers have the know how, so it adds another layer.Do judges have too much control over our lives? is too much power put into these humans hands?
Absolutely not. Judges are bound by the law. In most instances they have very little lattitude in what they can and cannot do. Their discretion is usually limited to management of their cases and evidentiary rulings. If they screw up, the appeals process provides a correction process.
The legislature makes a great deal of the law and the judiciary provides a check on the legislature within state and federal constitutional guidelines, either upholding or striking them down when they are unconstitutional. Judges interpret the laws made by the legislature to ascertain what they mean and how they should be applied so that the public can understand the law.
Judges also follow precedent to ensure consistency in the application of the laws. If the legislature doesn't like the way cases are being decided, they can supersede common law by enacting new statutes. The entire system has checks and balances so that neither the judiciary nor the legislature has exclusive control over our lives.
Absolutely not. Judges are bound by the law. In most instances they have very little lattitude in what they can and cannot do. Their discretion is usually limited to management of their cases and evidentiary rulings. If they screw up, the appeals process provides a correction process.
The legislature makes a great deal of the law and the judiciary provides a check on the legislature within state and federal constitutional guidelines, either upholding or striking them down when they are unconstitutional. Judges interpret the laws made by the legislature to ascertain what they mean and how they should be applied so that the public can understand the law.
Judges also follow precedent to ensure consistency in the application of the laws. If the legislature doesn't like the way cases are being decided, they can supersede common law by enacting new statutes. The entire system has checks and balances so that neither the judiciary nor the legislature has exclusive control over our lives.
What is Ben S. Bernanke economic stance? Is he more “hands off” or more for government control of business?
He opts for more government control
Out of control puppy on my hands?
My puppy is 7 almost 8 months old and she is a terror! She bites way to hard and when we use the techniques for getting her to stop, she just takes it as like we are egging her on.
She also won't stop peeing and pooping on the floor! I have yelled at her and put her on her puppy pads and rewarded her when she does go on them but she just doesn't get the idea.
What can we do? It's driving my Mom Bonkers, Our house smells bad, and I am the one who has to clean up all the messes she makes on the floor.Out of control puppy on my hands?
you clearly need to consult a professional trainer. If you have a PetSmart near you call them and get an appointment with a trainer for a free consultation and they should point you in the right direction.Out of control puppy on my hands?
Eh I cannot stand pee pads, it teaches bad habits it in the long run and are an unnecessary middle man. Move those pads out side and start that way.
As for biting when she bites, give a firm NO stand up turn away and fold your arms, no eye contact, no attention, Stand for about 15-30 seconds sit back down calmly, dont pay attention to her, if she starts biting again, repeat what I said, if she remains calm after about a minutes of you sitting them praise and pet.
Your problem with potty training is that you are teaching your dog to poop and pee in the house by allowing her to do it on the pads. The dog doesn't understand there is a pad under her when you praise her for going - she only knows that she peed in the house %26amp; you were happy. Pick up the pee pads and train her to go outside.
A 7-8 month old puppy is still teething and the pressure of teeth coming in are enough to make him mouth everything in sight; including your skin. You need to put an appropriate chew toy in his mouth when he bites you. Puppies learn by mouthing everything (they don't have hands) and so they pick things up with their mouths. They also hold things with their mouths so if they want to play with you they will hold on to you so that you will continue to play. Get your dog plenty of exercise; stimulate his mind with toys that he has to work at (Kongs filled with food %26amp; frozen); and then play with him with toys that he can bite on.
There is your problem, yelling at the dog. You also cant reward them with treats for going potty. You should research helpful potty training tips, buy a book if necessary. Any tip will obviously help you. PLEASE DONT YELL AT THE DOG for accidents. This is just a baby, would you yell at you child if they had an accident? You have to praise the puppy for pottying in the right place; whether its pee pad or outside. You have not been doing the right potty training, thats why the puppy is this old and still not trained. It takes a lot of time and PATIENCE my dear.
First thing - Obedience Training. This is an absolute must. You must also adhere to a strict potty training regime. She should be going out every two hours regularly and additionally 15-20 minutes after eating or drinking.
Second thing - what breed of dog do you have? Are you meeting the needs of the breed? For example if you have an active breed such as as Lab they need at least a half hour of exercise twice a day (and that is the minimum). Dogs who aren't given the proper amount of exercise become bored and a bored dog is a destructive dog.
Third - are you using a crate? The dog should be crated when you aren't around. The crate should only be big enough for her to stand up and turn around comfortably. Dogs will not use the potty where they sleep and this will also curtail any chewing she might be doing.
Fourth - what techniques are you using to stop her from biting? If you are hitting her that is not the right way. You should NEVER hit your dog. Instead you should be using a firm no and then placing her in a quiet room as time out in response if she keeps biting after you tell her no. Dogs like to be with their people in the midst of the action. Putting her in time out removes her from all of the fun. Eventually she will catch on. Also, you should stop any rough play - play fighting with her and letting her play bite you then trying to get her to stop once you deem it too rough is confusing to the dog and will not aid you in training her properly.
What techniques have you tried to get her to stop?
Yelling at a puppy for going to the bathroom inside is not going to help the situation one bit, especially if you didn't see it happen. All that does is teach the dog to try to hide it from you. I wouldn't use pee pads -- some dogs cannot understand that pee pad = ok, other soft spots in the house = ok. They just can't generalize like that. I would teach the dog to go outside. Period.
Also...how are you cleaning up those messes? If you're just using soap and water, it's not good enough. You need something that will completely eliminate the odor, not just for you (which it sounds like you're not doing if you can still smell it) but for the dog as well. Something like Nature's Miracle will help clean up that better. A dog will generally pee where there is a urine smell already.
here are a few things you may be missing in the yard (see the link for actual training).
1. Is the outside area small? (if it is then feeding out there and expecting him to go out there won't fly as dogs don't like to pee and poop where they eat or sleep so make sure there is plenty of room or feed him indoors then take him out straight away).
2. Is the outside too clean? If there is not a scent of his own urine he will be less keen to go there. Try to leave it for a while (i know this is not very nice for you but it will speed things up).
For a full yet easy plan check out http://www.teachingpuppies.com/8-easy-st鈥?/a>
This can be used in conjunction with crate training see http://www.teachingpuppies.com/crate-tra鈥?/a>
Puppies chewing is totally natural. They are just like teething babies. Bitter lemon spray can be great but doesn鈥檛 work for all dogs 鈥?some actually like the taste!
Try http://www.teachingpuppies.com/stop-my-p鈥?/a>
For quick and easy alternatives
The best thing to do to stop nipping and mouthing is to let out a puppy like yelp, this immediately makes the puppy back away as it is what her litter mates would do. Its a way to let them know that it hurts. They won't understand all the no's and putting them in another room etc. When they nip, you yelp then turn your back on them (get visitors to do the same) they will soon get the message of 'ouch that hurts and i am not playing because of it' Try this link for a full guide.
You should also teach your puppy the 鈥榣eave it鈥?command this is not only for objects but also helps them control their bite inhibition (become more aware of how people like to be interacted with). This will show you how (its really easy) http://www.teachingpuppies.com/how-to-te鈥?/a>
In order to teach your puppy not jump up you also have to teach them not jump up on you. Consistency is the key. They love it because that is how the get their attention and they do not mind if its bad or good. An easy plan to follow is : http://www.teachingpuppies.com/stop-my-p鈥?/a>
You should also teach your dog the 鈥榣eave it鈥?command this is not only for objects but also helps them control their bite inhibition (become more aware of how people like to be interacted with). This will show you how (its really easy) http://www.teachingpuppies.com/how-to-te鈥?/a>
Make sure they don't pull on the leash 鈥?
It will show you how to train other behaviour too though and teach it to understand positive reinforcement and secondary reinforcer for behaviour.
Ok, first thing to do. Stop Yelling At Her! She is learning that you just yell. To teach a dog to be house trained is patience and consistance, not yelling. The dog does not realise it is peeing in the wrong place. YOu have to teach it where you want it to pee. Start with the leash. Take the dog out to the spot you want her to pee and poop at. Do this every time until she is house trained. Do this First thing in the morning, 20-30 minutes after each meal, between meals every 2-3 hours and last thing at night. Be consistant, reward good behavior, ignore bad behavior.
Do not use those silly useless pee pads, you are only teaching the dog to pee inside your house.
Next the biting. It appears that when she was teething you did not correct her behavior nd allowed her to bite you. NOw is the time to stop that behavior. First thing, if she bites, move away from her and ignore her. If you can, pick her up and put her in her crate (gently). Second, get toys she can chew on and replace your arm with her toy. She will learn that biting means no one will keep playing with her.this works
She also won't stop peeing and pooping on the floor! I have yelled at her and put her on her puppy pads and rewarded her when she does go on them but she just doesn't get the idea.
What can we do? It's driving my Mom Bonkers, Our house smells bad, and I am the one who has to clean up all the messes she makes on the floor.Out of control puppy on my hands?
you clearly need to consult a professional trainer. If you have a PetSmart near you call them and get an appointment with a trainer for a free consultation and they should point you in the right direction.Out of control puppy on my hands?
Eh I cannot stand pee pads, it teaches bad habits it in the long run and are an unnecessary middle man. Move those pads out side and start that way.
As for biting when she bites, give a firm NO stand up turn away and fold your arms, no eye contact, no attention, Stand for about 15-30 seconds sit back down calmly, dont pay attention to her, if she starts biting again, repeat what I said, if she remains calm after about a minutes of you sitting them praise and pet.
Your problem with potty training is that you are teaching your dog to poop and pee in the house by allowing her to do it on the pads. The dog doesn't understand there is a pad under her when you praise her for going - she only knows that she peed in the house %26amp; you were happy. Pick up the pee pads and train her to go outside.
A 7-8 month old puppy is still teething and the pressure of teeth coming in are enough to make him mouth everything in sight; including your skin. You need to put an appropriate chew toy in his mouth when he bites you. Puppies learn by mouthing everything (they don't have hands) and so they pick things up with their mouths. They also hold things with their mouths so if they want to play with you they will hold on to you so that you will continue to play. Get your dog plenty of exercise; stimulate his mind with toys that he has to work at (Kongs filled with food %26amp; frozen); and then play with him with toys that he can bite on.
There is your problem, yelling at the dog. You also cant reward them with treats for going potty. You should research helpful potty training tips, buy a book if necessary. Any tip will obviously help you. PLEASE DONT YELL AT THE DOG for accidents. This is just a baby, would you yell at you child if they had an accident? You have to praise the puppy for pottying in the right place; whether its pee pad or outside. You have not been doing the right potty training, thats why the puppy is this old and still not trained. It takes a lot of time and PATIENCE my dear.
First thing - Obedience Training. This is an absolute must. You must also adhere to a strict potty training regime. She should be going out every two hours regularly and additionally 15-20 minutes after eating or drinking.
Second thing - what breed of dog do you have? Are you meeting the needs of the breed? For example if you have an active breed such as as Lab they need at least a half hour of exercise twice a day (and that is the minimum). Dogs who aren't given the proper amount of exercise become bored and a bored dog is a destructive dog.
Third - are you using a crate? The dog should be crated when you aren't around. The crate should only be big enough for her to stand up and turn around comfortably. Dogs will not use the potty where they sleep and this will also curtail any chewing she might be doing.
Fourth - what techniques are you using to stop her from biting? If you are hitting her that is not the right way. You should NEVER hit your dog. Instead you should be using a firm no and then placing her in a quiet room as time out in response if she keeps biting after you tell her no. Dogs like to be with their people in the midst of the action. Putting her in time out removes her from all of the fun. Eventually she will catch on. Also, you should stop any rough play - play fighting with her and letting her play bite you then trying to get her to stop once you deem it too rough is confusing to the dog and will not aid you in training her properly.
What techniques have you tried to get her to stop?
Yelling at a puppy for going to the bathroom inside is not going to help the situation one bit, especially if you didn't see it happen. All that does is teach the dog to try to hide it from you. I wouldn't use pee pads -- some dogs cannot understand that pee pad = ok, other soft spots in the house = ok. They just can't generalize like that. I would teach the dog to go outside. Period.
Also...how are you cleaning up those messes? If you're just using soap and water, it's not good enough. You need something that will completely eliminate the odor, not just for you (which it sounds like you're not doing if you can still smell it) but for the dog as well. Something like Nature's Miracle will help clean up that better. A dog will generally pee where there is a urine smell already.
here are a few things you may be missing in the yard (see the link for actual training).
1. Is the outside area small? (if it is then feeding out there and expecting him to go out there won't fly as dogs don't like to pee and poop where they eat or sleep so make sure there is plenty of room or feed him indoors then take him out straight away).
2. Is the outside too clean? If there is not a scent of his own urine he will be less keen to go there. Try to leave it for a while (i know this is not very nice for you but it will speed things up).
For a full yet easy plan check out http://www.teachingpuppies.com/8-easy-st鈥?/a>
This can be used in conjunction with crate training see http://www.teachingpuppies.com/crate-tra鈥?/a>
Puppies chewing is totally natural. They are just like teething babies. Bitter lemon spray can be great but doesn鈥檛 work for all dogs 鈥?some actually like the taste!
Try http://www.teachingpuppies.com/stop-my-p鈥?/a>
For quick and easy alternatives
The best thing to do to stop nipping and mouthing is to let out a puppy like yelp, this immediately makes the puppy back away as it is what her litter mates would do. Its a way to let them know that it hurts. They won't understand all the no's and putting them in another room etc. When they nip, you yelp then turn your back on them (get visitors to do the same) they will soon get the message of 'ouch that hurts and i am not playing because of it' Try this link for a full guide.
You should also teach your puppy the 鈥榣eave it鈥?command this is not only for objects but also helps them control their bite inhibition (become more aware of how people like to be interacted with). This will show you how (its really easy) http://www.teachingpuppies.com/how-to-te鈥?/a>
In order to teach your puppy not jump up you also have to teach them not jump up on you. Consistency is the key. They love it because that is how the get their attention and they do not mind if its bad or good. An easy plan to follow is : http://www.teachingpuppies.com/stop-my-p鈥?/a>
You should also teach your dog the 鈥榣eave it鈥?command this is not only for objects but also helps them control their bite inhibition (become more aware of how people like to be interacted with). This will show you how (its really easy) http://www.teachingpuppies.com/how-to-te鈥?/a>
Make sure they don't pull on the leash 鈥?
It will show you how to train other behaviour too though and teach it to understand positive reinforcement and secondary reinforcer for behaviour.
Ok, first thing to do. Stop Yelling At Her! She is learning that you just yell. To teach a dog to be house trained is patience and consistance, not yelling. The dog does not realise it is peeing in the wrong place. YOu have to teach it where you want it to pee. Start with the leash. Take the dog out to the spot you want her to pee and poop at. Do this every time until she is house trained. Do this First thing in the morning, 20-30 minutes after each meal, between meals every 2-3 hours and last thing at night. Be consistant, reward good behavior, ignore bad behavior.
Do not use those silly useless pee pads, you are only teaching the dog to pee inside your house.
Next the biting. It appears that when she was teething you did not correct her behavior nd allowed her to bite you. NOw is the time to stop that behavior. First thing, if she bites, move away from her and ignore her. If you can, pick her up and put her in her crate (gently). Second, get toys she can chew on and replace your arm with her toy. She will learn that biting means no one will keep playing with her.
I keep on hearing things about the government wanting to put microchips into our hands, so they can control?
and know every thing we are doing, and if we refuse they will put us in some type of concentration camp?? (as weird as it sounds, it is just what i heard from numerous people), I have also heard that at some point we will no longer be dealing with cash, and banks, we will go to an ATM like card, that the government can track and know what we are spending the money on and how much we spent. There are kids who are also in grade school who are being told this as well, i just wanna know if it is true or if it is just a scare??I keep on hearing things about the government wanting to put microchips into our hands, so they can control?
We are moving closer too a cashless society, no one can deny this, Employer's today are requiering direct deposit for payroll, Most utility companies encourage automatic withdraw from your checking, insurance companies are already pushing this....everything is becoming electronic transfer......even commercials on tv make you out to be an idiot if you use cash instead of a visa check card in a fast food lunch line.........RFID technology is already in use in a wide range of things from Your Pets to identify them when lost,or to store thier medical records, its used in current passports to track your movements, its being proposed in the medical field for a number of uses, and you know darn well, it will be used for those in jail or prison or those seeking release early as a GPS.....It sound's like most people responding to your question have not done thier research on this, it sounds far fetched too them, boy are they in for a surprise.......the company bringing this technology in use, is based out of boca raton, florida.....My guess is, they'll introduce it as an idea to keep your children safe in school, as a GPS, Medical history file, Track their every movement.....I dont buy into conspiracies easily, but, this stuff is for real, and the Real I.D. Act established to begin in 2008 is the birth of this program, and will be expanded slowly.
its real.I keep on hearing things about the government wanting to put microchips into our hands, so they can control?
We are moving towards a cashless economic system that will use RFID. This link is to news articles on the subject.
You need to stop listening to whomever you have been talking to...nothing you mentioned is true at all.
I actually got my chip yesterday and it didn't even hurt. Also looking forward to the new and improved BoA check card you're talking about but haven't got that one yet. Man, seriously, you seem to be having the wrong friends.
I have also heard of both theories. The first micro-chip idea was probably popularized by the controversial movie Zeitgeist. I'm sorry I don't have a definite answer, but it is hard to say whether or not this is completely true. If so, it's sure to be covered up by the government well enough for us not to know in order to prevent chaos. But then again we must question how this idea came up in the first place. It had to come from somewhere...
sad but true. for what reason they want to do it i dont know yet.
We currently are microchiped...its called a social security number....seriously...don't believe all of it..but look at the possibilities...lost/stolen children could be easily tracked as could many criminals...but it would infringe on the rights of us who have no need to be traced. Microchipping would also enhance in medical emergencies...a persons whole medical history could be presented on a pc screen...but as much good as all this would do...it can be so easily abused. Don't think we will see it in our lifetime..though we may see a voluntary microchip in newborns...and one that could be removed at the age of 18
Well, if you believe in the Bible, it does say that there will be a ';Mark of the Beast'; which christians are not supposed to get. But it also says that you will not be able to buy things and you will be an outcast to society and be tortured. With the newer advances in microchips, people do say that this is not very far off from where we are now.
Hope that answers you question
This is known by some people as ';the mark of the beast';. You can see that the government is already getting to this idea by the new card they are issuing to anyone 18-65 due to problems with illegal aliens. It's the begining of the control.
I think it is true though I can't prove it. The best way to know is to wait for the next terrorist attack and see what other rights the government is willing to take for your ';safety';. I never thought in a million years a country like the USA could ever pass the PATRIOT ACT but boy was I wrong. The people that believe 9/11 is an inside job have a very good reason to believe so since it advanced against out civil liberties. Like I said just watch and wait for the next terrorist attack or catastrophe and then watch what happens to your rights. If your rights go out the door, then you know were about to be chipped.
Not hand...head.
What's wrong with the government knowing what you are doing? We can trust them.
Look a Mitt Romney. He already has his and you can hardly tell except for the stare.
I think it's terrible when people try to put up roadblocks every time the government tries to give us a perfectly orderly society.
If everyone would stop griping and do what they were told, we would all be much, much, happier.
Now, quit being a Peter Paranoid and go get your chip.
We are not on Schindlers list...Come on it is 2008...Not Hitler's time...
We are moving closer too a cashless society, no one can deny this, Employer's today are requiering direct deposit for payroll, Most utility companies encourage automatic withdraw from your checking, insurance companies are already pushing this....everything is becoming electronic transfer......even commercials on tv make you out to be an idiot if you use cash instead of a visa check card in a fast food lunch line.........RFID technology is already in use in a wide range of things from Your Pets to identify them when lost,or to store thier medical records, its used in current passports to track your movements, its being proposed in the medical field for a number of uses, and you know darn well, it will be used for those in jail or prison or those seeking release early as a GPS.....It sound's like most people responding to your question have not done thier research on this, it sounds far fetched too them, boy are they in for a surprise.......the company bringing this technology in use, is based out of boca raton, florida.....My guess is, they'll introduce it as an idea to keep your children safe in school, as a GPS, Medical history file, Track their every movement.....I dont buy into conspiracies easily, but, this stuff is for real, and the Real I.D. Act established to begin in 2008 is the birth of this program, and will be expanded slowly.
its real.I keep on hearing things about the government wanting to put microchips into our hands, so they can control?
We are moving towards a cashless economic system that will use RFID. This link is to news articles on the subject.
You need to stop listening to whomever you have been talking to...nothing you mentioned is true at all.
I actually got my chip yesterday and it didn't even hurt. Also looking forward to the new and improved BoA check card you're talking about but haven't got that one yet. Man, seriously, you seem to be having the wrong friends.
I have also heard of both theories. The first micro-chip idea was probably popularized by the controversial movie Zeitgeist. I'm sorry I don't have a definite answer, but it is hard to say whether or not this is completely true. If so, it's sure to be covered up by the government well enough for us not to know in order to prevent chaos. But then again we must question how this idea came up in the first place. It had to come from somewhere...
sad but true. for what reason they want to do it i dont know yet.
We currently are microchiped...its called a social security number....seriously...don't believe all of it..but look at the possibilities...lost/stolen children could be easily tracked as could many criminals...but it would infringe on the rights of us who have no need to be traced. Microchipping would also enhance in medical emergencies...a persons whole medical history could be presented on a pc screen...but as much good as all this would do...it can be so easily abused. Don't think we will see it in our lifetime..though we may see a voluntary microchip in newborns...and one that could be removed at the age of 18
Well, if you believe in the Bible, it does say that there will be a ';Mark of the Beast'; which christians are not supposed to get. But it also says that you will not be able to buy things and you will be an outcast to society and be tortured. With the newer advances in microchips, people do say that this is not very far off from where we are now.
Hope that answers you question
This is known by some people as ';the mark of the beast';. You can see that the government is already getting to this idea by the new card they are issuing to anyone 18-65 due to problems with illegal aliens. It's the begining of the control.
I think it is true though I can't prove it. The best way to know is to wait for the next terrorist attack and see what other rights the government is willing to take for your ';safety';. I never thought in a million years a country like the USA could ever pass the PATRIOT ACT but boy was I wrong. The people that believe 9/11 is an inside job have a very good reason to believe so since it advanced against out civil liberties. Like I said just watch and wait for the next terrorist attack or catastrophe and then watch what happens to your rights. If your rights go out the door, then you know were about to be chipped.
Not hand...head.
What's wrong with the government knowing what you are doing? We can trust them.
Look a Mitt Romney. He already has his and you can hardly tell except for the stare.
I think it's terrible when people try to put up roadblocks every time the government tries to give us a perfectly orderly society.
If everyone would stop griping and do what they were told, we would all be much, much, happier.
Now, quit being a Peter Paranoid and go get your chip.
We are not on Schindlers list...Come on it is 2008...Not Hitler's time...
I heard today that the way people hold hands tells if their in control or leading... Is this true?
What is the way you tell? (where your hands are etc.)I heard today that the way people hold hands tells if their in control or leading... Is this true?
I find this to be true in my own observations through the year and it seems to be always correct. If a man holds a woman's hand (for example; while walking) and it's in front of hers, then he is more the leader, protector and in control. If hers is in front of his, then she's the one in control and enjoys taking charge. If the man doesn't have a problem with it and he's more of the ';yes, honey';, ';anything you say, honey';, then he will allow it. If she likes to be under his protection, lead and care, she will let his hand be over hers.I heard today that the way people hold hands tells if their in control or leading... Is this true?
I have heard that too. I guess its all about the study of body language etc. My ex-husbands sister was right into the 'study of hands' to a point she was almost freaking everybody out. Weirdo!...but...anyway...one thing she always takes notice of is the bride and groom at the wedding...while they are cutting the wedding cake - she ALWAYS makes comments on whoever hand is on top of the other while holding the knife to cut the cake...is the person who will dominate in the marriage and be the 'boss' in the relationship...but..who knows....??
no because i dont know where did u hear that
I disagree there is just a certain way of holding hands for each couple that is right and comfortable for that couple.
I don't know, but I bet it's true.
it's a psycological thing. Somewhat yes
I find this to be true in my own observations through the year and it seems to be always correct. If a man holds a woman's hand (for example; while walking) and it's in front of hers, then he is more the leader, protector and in control. If hers is in front of his, then she's the one in control and enjoys taking charge. If the man doesn't have a problem with it and he's more of the ';yes, honey';, ';anything you say, honey';, then he will allow it. If she likes to be under his protection, lead and care, she will let his hand be over hers.I heard today that the way people hold hands tells if their in control or leading... Is this true?
I have heard that too. I guess its all about the study of body language etc. My ex-husbands sister was right into the 'study of hands' to a point she was almost freaking everybody out. Weirdo!...but...anyway...one thing she always takes notice of is the bride and groom at the wedding...while they are cutting the wedding cake - she ALWAYS makes comments on whoever hand is on top of the other while holding the knife to cut the cake...is the person who will dominate in the marriage and be the 'boss' in the relationship...but..who knows....??
no because i dont know where did u hear that
I disagree there is just a certain way of holding hands for each couple that is right and comfortable for that couple.
I don't know, but I bet it's true.
it's a psycological thing. Somewhat yes
Do you control your life, or is it in the hands of God?
Which gives you more freedom, success, empowerment, etc.?Do you control your life, or is it in the hands of God?
i control my life there is no godDo you control your life, or is it in the hands of God?
Of course me, otherwise I would not be responsible of my acts
it would be very convenient to say, I killed someone, but it is God麓s will and I was only the instrument.
God has a plan for us all. The decisions you make will always lead back to his plan. Believe!!!
god has giving us the freedom of free agency, he is a a god of freedom, most people think its gods fault, when we mess up, wich is not true, so basically you control it, but your life will never go the right way, if you dont incluede god in your life, ask and you will seek (James)
God gave us free will. there is a plan for everyone but we can detour from the path. in the end we will end where God wanted us to
It could be either
God gives people choices to make %26amp; it's up to them to do things his way or the way of the world
I myself find it better to do things God's way, not always
easy, but the best thing to do is what God wants us to do.
It's a combination of both. God created us with free will. We can do what we want with our lives. At the same time, He tells us that if we will acknowledge Him in all of our ways, He will order and direct our paths. If we make decisions in line with His will, things just go better.
God gives us the pathways, we choose which one we want to take. We can take the easy road and let our lives be ruled by fate, or we can take it into our own hands and shape the face of the earth that we live in. Either way it is our choice.
I think each person controls his or her own life. It says in the holy texts (Bible, Qur'an, Torah) that we have free will.
Half and half.
it is in the hands of god, your creater
My life is indirectly and directly controlled by the decisions others make. I can play a limited role by asking the right questions and doing research on the issue. Our society (America) is governed in a way which everybody is interdependent on others. Remember this is a social experiment. We do not control our own lives.We are continually seeking to ';do it better'; Until we come to an organized consensus as to how we want to live and/or run our own lives no single person will control their own life.
The context of the question is wrong...MY opinion. What is freedom? What is success? And isn't education what the corporations determine are needed as far as job skills? So empowerment might not really be YOUR empowerment. It might be for the few people who have indirect control over your life.( Grocery stores, law enforcement, Department of Transportation, Wal-Mart, Electric Company, Gas Company, Phone, Cable, shoe manufactures, clothes designers, car company etc etc ect... What I do know is I need WATER, OXYGEN, and the SUN which help to make food. We need these ';elements'; and then some directly and indirectly. So at the very minimum there are 4 things I consider my god!
Jehovah God did not make robots. if we make a mistake it is our own fault. we have a mind and should know right from wrong. we can of course go to Jehovah in prayer and ask for help to make the right choose. I do everyday pray to Jehovah and Jesus his son to make the right chooses
i do whatever i want , but you better let god control yr life
God has given me the freedom of choice.
the only belief i have is in myself,that way if things go wrong the only person i have to blame is myself
Right now God is not in control so how can he influence anybodies life?
Thoughts are things. We sow these thoughts like seeds to blossom into the events and happenings of our lives. Without God's plan in place, how possible would the opportunities and challenges that present themselves?
Mostly our Life is in his hands as is the whole world-he gives us some choices to make or a certain amount of control!
I control the things that are in my power to do. Things I am responsible for and have authority to do.
There are many things beyond my control, and I leave those in God's hands. There is great freedom in that. Otherwise I would strive to make life perfect, and safe. I would try to take responsibility for the actions of others.
Whatever happens, I trust that God will get me through it. That's empowering.
Successful? I'm not sure how you define it, but I have family and friends who love me and whom I love. My husband and I have been married 11 years. He still opens doors for me, he's my best friend, we have work we enjoy doing together, and we still really enjoy being together. We have a nice home and everything we need. We've had three miscarriages and no other children. That's been the hardest part of our life together, but we look forward to meeting them in heaven, and we're working toward adopting through social services. We're active in our congregation and challenge and encourage each other to grow closer to God, which brings us closer to Love.
Life is not perfect, but there's joy in it. Life is stressful, but still there is peace.
We do not control our lives. We only have the freedom of choice but I believe He knows what your choice is going to be long before you chose.
I make my choices and pray that God help me through.
I control my life.
My surroundings, environment, and I control my life
yes, i belief GOD control it thru me
I'm just the driver, but driving very careful.
My life is in the hands of God and He has a plan for my life that I seek and follow....that said, I can at any time exercise my free will and follow my own ways, not God's way, which many do today. They set themselves up as their own god....I choose to let God direct my life with all my faith and trust in Him.
God gave us the ability to control most things in our lives, but some things are left up to fate.
u control choosing options that r provided to u ... however, everything is in the hand of God.. b4 u was born, everything was decided for ur life..
go read more about it .. interesting
Good Question...
I control my own life but the universe impacts it. When it rains I have to change my plans....when a wild turkey is on the trail where I run I have to go around it....when there is traffic it takes me longer to get places.....so there are always uncontrollable factors, but overall each individual has the freedom and power to make their own decisions and control their life. I don't like the idea of destiny, fate, or God, all of which I don't believe in, and I think I have more freedom, success, empowerment, etc, because of it. I KNOW I have to run my life so I make better decisions then I would if I though it was in someone else's hands.
i control my life there is no godDo you control your life, or is it in the hands of God?
Of course me, otherwise I would not be responsible of my acts
it would be very convenient to say, I killed someone, but it is God麓s will and I was only the instrument.
God has a plan for us all. The decisions you make will always lead back to his plan. Believe!!!
god has giving us the freedom of free agency, he is a a god of freedom, most people think its gods fault, when we mess up, wich is not true, so basically you control it, but your life will never go the right way, if you dont incluede god in your life, ask and you will seek (James)
God gave us free will. there is a plan for everyone but we can detour from the path. in the end we will end where God wanted us to
It could be either
God gives people choices to make %26amp; it's up to them to do things his way or the way of the world
I myself find it better to do things God's way, not always
easy, but the best thing to do is what God wants us to do.
It's a combination of both. God created us with free will. We can do what we want with our lives. At the same time, He tells us that if we will acknowledge Him in all of our ways, He will order and direct our paths. If we make decisions in line with His will, things just go better.
God gives us the pathways, we choose which one we want to take. We can take the easy road and let our lives be ruled by fate, or we can take it into our own hands and shape the face of the earth that we live in. Either way it is our choice.
I think each person controls his or her own life. It says in the holy texts (Bible, Qur'an, Torah) that we have free will.
Half and half.
it is in the hands of god, your creater
My life is indirectly and directly controlled by the decisions others make. I can play a limited role by asking the right questions and doing research on the issue. Our society (America) is governed in a way which everybody is interdependent on others. Remember this is a social experiment. We do not control our own lives.We are continually seeking to ';do it better'; Until we come to an organized consensus as to how we want to live and/or run our own lives no single person will control their own life.
The context of the question is wrong...MY opinion. What is freedom? What is success? And isn't education what the corporations determine are needed as far as job skills? So empowerment might not really be YOUR empowerment. It might be for the few people who have indirect control over your life.( Grocery stores, law enforcement, Department of Transportation, Wal-Mart, Electric Company, Gas Company, Phone, Cable, shoe manufactures, clothes designers, car company etc etc ect... What I do know is I need WATER, OXYGEN, and the SUN which help to make food. We need these ';elements'; and then some directly and indirectly. So at the very minimum there are 4 things I consider my god!
Jehovah God did not make robots. if we make a mistake it is our own fault. we have a mind and should know right from wrong. we can of course go to Jehovah in prayer and ask for help to make the right choose. I do everyday pray to Jehovah and Jesus his son to make the right chooses
i do whatever i want , but you better let god control yr life
God has given me the freedom of choice.
the only belief i have is in myself,that way if things go wrong the only person i have to blame is myself
Right now God is not in control so how can he influence anybodies life?
Thoughts are things. We sow these thoughts like seeds to blossom into the events and happenings of our lives. Without God's plan in place, how possible would the opportunities and challenges that present themselves?
Mostly our Life is in his hands as is the whole world-he gives us some choices to make or a certain amount of control!
I control the things that are in my power to do. Things I am responsible for and have authority to do.
There are many things beyond my control, and I leave those in God's hands. There is great freedom in that. Otherwise I would strive to make life perfect, and safe. I would try to take responsibility for the actions of others.
Whatever happens, I trust that God will get me through it. That's empowering.
Successful? I'm not sure how you define it, but I have family and friends who love me and whom I love. My husband and I have been married 11 years. He still opens doors for me, he's my best friend, we have work we enjoy doing together, and we still really enjoy being together. We have a nice home and everything we need. We've had three miscarriages and no other children. That's been the hardest part of our life together, but we look forward to meeting them in heaven, and we're working toward adopting through social services. We're active in our congregation and challenge and encourage each other to grow closer to God, which brings us closer to Love.
Life is not perfect, but there's joy in it. Life is stressful, but still there is peace.
We do not control our lives. We only have the freedom of choice but I believe He knows what your choice is going to be long before you chose.
I make my choices and pray that God help me through.
I control my life.
My surroundings, environment, and I control my life
yes, i belief GOD control it thru me
I'm just the driver, but driving very careful.
My life is in the hands of God and He has a plan for my life that I seek and follow....that said, I can at any time exercise my free will and follow my own ways, not God's way, which many do today. They set themselves up as their own god....I choose to let God direct my life with all my faith and trust in Him.
God gave us the ability to control most things in our lives, but some things are left up to fate.
u control choosing options that r provided to u ... however, everything is in the hand of God.. b4 u was born, everything was decided for ur life..
go read more about it .. interesting
Good Question...
I control my own life but the universe impacts it. When it rains I have to change my plans....when a wild turkey is on the trail where I run I have to go around it....when there is traffic it takes me longer to get places.....so there are always uncontrollable factors, but overall each individual has the freedom and power to make their own decisions and control their life. I don't like the idea of destiny, fate, or God, all of which I don't believe in, and I think I have more freedom, success, empowerment, etc, because of it. I KNOW I have to run my life so I make better decisions then I would if I though it was in someone else's hands.
Pentecostals and Charismatics, should I take control of my hands when the Holy Ghost shakes them?
When I lay my hands on people and pray, the Holy Spirit shakes my hands and arms and sometimes it looks like I'm gona hit the person I'm praying over. haha This lady told me that I should rather let my one hand stay on my side and let my dominant hand carry the anointing but I should also keep my dominant hand still (and let my fingers or hand shake) but not all over the place because it is distracting for other people. So should I let the Holy Spirit do whatever He wants to or should I use my will to control my body and direct the anointing of God? I'm just wondering if I'm restricting or resisting the Holy Spirit if I do take control...Please helpPentecostals and Charismatics, should I take control of my hands when the Holy Ghost shakes them?
Try straight ethanol. Goes down smooth with prayer.Pentecostals and Charismatics, should I take control of my hands when the Holy Ghost shakes them?
If the Holy spirit wants you to slap the hell out of that person, who are you to question it? I mean if you buy that then the spirit is actually taking over.
If you can take control see what happens. I don't see Benny Hinn shaking every where and he still carries the annointing. If God wants you to shake without resisting he will let you know.
yeah dude, this sounds pretty wacky. WHy dont you calm yourself, act like normal civilized life form when you pray for someone? Whats wrong with being normal?
You should see a neurologist instead.
are u serious?
Try straight ethanol. Goes down smooth with prayer.Pentecostals and Charismatics, should I take control of my hands when the Holy Ghost shakes them?
If the Holy spirit wants you to slap the hell out of that person, who are you to question it? I mean if you buy that then the spirit is actually taking over.
If you can take control see what happens. I don't see Benny Hinn shaking every where and he still carries the annointing. If God wants you to shake without resisting he will let you know.
yeah dude, this sounds pretty wacky. WHy dont you calm yourself, act like normal civilized life form when you pray for someone? Whats wrong with being normal?
You should see a neurologist instead.
are u serious?
How do I control my shaking hands (ET)?
I didn't notice my shaky hands until jr high. The shaking has only gotten worse. Well I know part of it is because I'm an art student majoring in fashion design so I have to do a lot of stuff with my hands. They do shake more do to fatigue but it can't be helped. Is it possible that I have essential tremor at 18? I do have wrist tendinitis and carpal tunnel, diagnosed by a doctor. They suggested physical therapy which I have tried but it still doesn't work. My hands are just so weak. My mom has ET, but nothing works on her. Her hands are so shaky that she can't hold anything steady no matter how heavy or light. If it runs in the family, I'm afraid my hands will just get worse. My hands are essential to my artwork. If it goes at this rate, wouldn't it just affect my abilities to do things like my mom? Is there a cure? My mom has seen lots of doctors and tried many medications even Chinese herbal remedies and acupuncture. I haven't gotten that bad but I want to prolong it or cure it if I can. Can somebody please help me? I don't smoke, do drugs, or drink/take caffeine so I know they aren't causing my problems. I have tried wearing a cast for over a month so that I wouldn't use my hands but they just became weaker afterwards.How do I control my shaking hands (ET)?
I have ET (very minor) but the neurologist said there are medications that can minimize it.
Klonipin (benzodiazepine)
Propanolol (beta blockers)
Anti-seizure meds.
I forget the others because I take lots of meds.
I think when I'm stressed it's worse.
I would get a 2nd opinion with a neurologist....I can't understand why your hands are getting weaker except that you weren't using them.
Using wrist weights might help.
Have you tried Vit B100 Complex, Vit C 3000mg. %26amp; other supplements that are good for the nervous system?
Google: mayo clinic%26gt;%26gt;diseases%26gt;%26gt;essential tremor
Invite Health for nutritional info: Ask for Jerry Hickey (pharmacist/nutritionist/head of invite health) 1-800-463-7575
I wish you the best
I have ET (very minor) but the neurologist said there are medications that can minimize it.
Klonipin (benzodiazepine)
Propanolol (beta blockers)
Anti-seizure meds.
I forget the others because I take lots of meds.
I think when I'm stressed it's worse.
I would get a 2nd opinion with a neurologist....I can't understand why your hands are getting weaker except that you weren't using them.
Using wrist weights might help.
Have you tried Vit B100 Complex, Vit C 3000mg. %26amp; other supplements that are good for the nervous system?
Google: mayo clinic%26gt;%26gt;diseases%26gt;%26gt;essential tremor
Invite Health for nutritional info: Ask for Jerry Hickey (pharmacist/nutritionist/head of invite health) 1-800-463-7575
I wish you the best
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